Chapter 41- Everyone's Internships

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"RIGHT!" Hairo replies, his quirk activated to give the heroes a boost. The two hostages look frantic, as they should, since they're caught in the middle of an all-out fight.

"LEAD THEM TO SAFETY, IMPETUS!" Death Arms yells, but Hairo has a different idea. He leads them out of the building, but he soon returns, smirking to himself as he eyes the villains.

"I don't like using this, but you guys are cruel for taking hostages like that."

"Ha! What a cocky brat! Let's teach him a lesson!"

"IMPETUS, GET BACK!" Hairo holds up a hand, smirking as the villains stop, their energy suddenly drained. They, exhausted, lay down, curling into balls and going to sleep.

"What did you do?" Death Arms questions, gently prodding the villain's ribs with his foot. Hairo shrugs as if it's not impressive.

"I demotivated them. They're in no harm, they just don't want to fight anymore. Death Arms nods approvingly, slapping Hairo on the back.

"Great job, kid."

"Mera, please meet Tamaki Amajiki."

"Hello!" Mera smiles, taking the boy's hand. He seems very anxious, hiding his face deep into his hood when Mera nears his face. "I'm Chisato Mera! Pleased to meet you!" Tamaki mutters something, though he's the only one that knows what.

"Mera, I wanted you because your quirk is perfect for Tamaki here!" Tamaki nods, his head still in the back of his hood. He's clearly very anxious, but he tries to be strong. "I told him about your wonderful quirk already! Should we try it?" Fatgum suggests, eyeing Tamaki more than Mera. Tamaki nods, peeking out of his hood to see Mera nod as well, smiling happily. She summons a piece of swordfish, handing it to Tamaki. Everything goes according to plan, and Tamaki is able to use his quirk and create a sword out of his hand. Fatgum nods approvingly, and Mera squeals with excitement.

"So cool!" Tamaki blushes, covering his face again. Mera smirks, looking over at Fatgum.

"Well, don't just stand there! Let's go on patrol!"

"Don't forget to vacuum over there." Mount Lady mumbles, speaking around a mouthful of chocolate. Nendo nods, happy to help anyone who seems as nice as she does. He decided on this particular internship for one reason and one reason alone: boobs. Nendo chuckles when the word crosses his mind, jumping around in the emptiness.

"You're funny." Nendo says aloud, speaking to the voice in his head that has been repeating 'boobs' for 20 minutes straight now. Mount Lady ignores the boy, already used to his stupidity. She just needed someone to do the chores around the house.

Bakugo walks out of a side room, following Best Jeanist. His eyes radiate his anger, warning all to keep quiet. All, that is, besides one brave soul.

"Ha! So, this peon can be tamed. Interesting."

"WHAT DID YOU JUST CALL ME?" Bakugo yells, causing his hair to break from its prison of gel and spray. Bakugo dives forward but is stopped by small threads, which suspend him in midair as Saiko checks his manicure smugly.

"A peon. Because you are."

"Bakugo, are you done? This outburst is very unprofessional." Bakugo grunts a yes, and Best Jeanist sits him down. After a quick rundown of the situation, the three go on patrol, Best Jeanist staying a good distance ahead in case they cross paths with a criminal.

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