Chapter 75- I Won't Let that Happen

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"Uraraka!" Mera yells, leading the boys through the underbrush and into a clearing. Uraraka has Toga planted firmly under her as the blonde mutters 'suck suck' in a feverish tone.

"Quickly! Help her!" Kaido yells, too panicked to do anything himself, even though he clearly could have. Toga's eyes widen at the sudden number of people surrounding her, and she immediately jumps out of Uraraka's grip- she was never really compromised. Uraraka falls to the side as Toga's needle slips out of her thigh. She quickly gets to her knees, her hand out.

"Stop!" She gasps, slightly lightheaded because of the blood loss. Toga turns, her eyes suddenly downcast and her mouth devoid of her evil grin.

"There's too many people here now and I don't feel like being killed tonight. Toodles," She sighs disappointedly, but suddenly her eyes meet Midoriya's. Her face lights up once more as she sees him: the blood matting his hair and trickling down his face, the mangled arms dangling as his sides, the labored breathing signifying he has just fought... heat rushes to Toga's face as her smile widens. She shakes her head, fully aware that her previous statement remains true. She rushes into the forest, glad for her agility as she easily escapes her potential captors.

"Who was that girl just now?" Todoroki asks, panting as he continues to carry his unconscious schoolmate. Kaido shrugs, his hand covering an eye as he answers in all seriousness.

"A member of Dark Reunion. She came for me but in the end, was unable to defeat the amazing Jet Black Wings!" Uraraka rolls her eyes, slowly stumbling to her feet, nodding thanks to Mera as she stabilizes her and hands the girl a piece of beef jerky to help with her blood loss.

"She was a villain," she confirms, annoyance laced in her voice.

"You're hurt!" Midoriya gasps, more terrified for his friend than his own wellbeing.

"It's not bad. I can still walk okay. You're the one who looks terrible!" Uraraka exclaims, her brows knitting together in worry as she notices how beaten up Midoriya is. The fact that he's still walking is a miracle.

"We have to keep moving," I mumble, annoyed at how strange it is for the words to come from my mouth. Everyone glances at me, nodding in agreement.

"I'm just glad you didn't get injured too bad..." Midoriya muses, his gaze drifting to the dirt beneath his feet. "We could use your help! We need to get everyone back to camp. I'm glad we found Kaido, they're after him as well." Kaido flinches at the boy's words as if he had forgotten. He yelps in surprise when Mera grabs his wrist, pulling him in the middle of their group with me. Bakugo and Tokoyami are in the back, their eyes narrowed in seriousness as they keep watch from behind. Uraraka nods in understanding, flanking the group to complete the circle around the boys. "We're almost to camp so as long as we can remain in formation, we should remain safe."

"You would assume that, wouldn't you," A voice carries down from the trees, causing everyone's attention to snap upward. The voice is wavering slightly, and the figure seems terrified of the height he's at, but nonetheless, he continues. "You fools! You'll never escape us!" I narrow my eyes at the figure, not completely willing to accept what I know must be fact.

No way... I feel a light tap on my shoulder and my mind races as the world grows exponentially larger. Shit. Everything goes dark, all sounds are far too muffled to understand. I can't tell what's happening, and I'm completely powerless.

"FUCK!" Bakugo screams. He's the first person to tear his gaze away from the person in the trees, only to notice that his boyfri- that Saiki is gone. And Kaido, but that doesn't matter at the moment. "YOU IDIOTS! WHY WEREN'T YOU WATCHING?" He yells, his eyes ride with pure rage as he prepares to attack his classmates.

"Kacchan, calm down! We can get them back!" Midoriya hisses, unable to move his arms but his face tells enough story. Bakugo snarls, knowing that Midoriya is right but refusing to admit it. The group returns their gaze to the trees, which now contain two figures, the new one with a more confident posture and a taller build. They both don tall top hats and suits, though one has a trench coat on as well.

"Where are they?" Todoroki yells monotonously, gritting his teeth at the thought of these villains kidnapping his classmates right under his nose. The shorter figure smiles, his eyes are covered but he's clearly excited.

"My brother took them! Isn't he tres bien?" The moon shines through the trees to illuminate the men that have supposedly taken Saiki and Kaido. Bakugo clenches his fists when he gets a full view of them. The shorter one definitely seems younger, his soft green hair curling tightly around his face. The taller one wears a mask that completely covers his face, though his chilling chuckle makes his facial expression clear.

"To answer your question in more detail, I used my magic to take them. Talent like theirs would be squandered if they were cast as heroes. We'll provide them with a grander state where they can truly shine." He absent-mindedly tosses two marbles in the air, expertly twirling the small balls around his fingers.

"GIVE HIM BACK!" Bakugo screams, fully prepared to explode the man, but terrified of the damage it might do to the hostages.

"Give him back? What an odd thing to say. They don't belong to anyone: they're their own person. Don't be so arrogant." Midoriya grits his teeth, shaking in anger as his adrenaline rushes through him.

"WE'LL STOP YOU!" He yells, fully believing it.

"Right now!" Todoroki adds, blasting ice at the villains. A small yelp can be heard from the younger as they both jump aside, the older guiding the way through the trees.

"Why the aggression? We merely wish to show them that there are more options besides the fanatical world of heroism they're drowning in. It's important to choose a path that aligns with your core values."

"Well, that's not completely true..." The younger muses, glancing at his brother and smiling when he nods. "Our boss wants the pink-haired one dead." The villain places a finger on his chin innocently as he ponders the thought. "Judging by how easy he was to capture... that shouldn't be too much of an issue!"

"That'll never happen." Midoriya cocks his head to the side as his gaze meets Bakugo, who's hunched over, as if in pain. He's trembling in anger, maybe in fear as well, but his eyes show nothing but determination. "I WON'T LET THAT HAPPEN!" 

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