Chapter 42- Cyborg Cider-Man #2

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I'm walking home after my internship, glad that the week is finally over.

I'm not sure how much longer I could've withstood the Pussy Cats. I pause, inwardly sighing as I watch a small child's balloon float away from him. Seeing as I'm going to be a future hero, I can't just let that happen. I jump up, flying to the balloon and grabbing the string. I hand it to the kid, his green hair causing me to pause in surprise.


"WOW! You know my name? How? That's so cool!!! Wait... I know you! You're Cyborg Cider-Man #2! I know it!"

Why does he still think that? I kneel down, handing Yuuta's balloon over.

Sorry, but I am not Cyborg Cider-Man #2.

"Your secret's safe with me, Cyborg Cider-Man #2!" I sigh, shaking my head slightly and standing up, leaving Yuuta to fend for himself.

I'm sure his mother is nearby.

I'm not him. I'm not a Cyborg, a Cider-Man, or a number 2, or any other number.

"But I saw you do the Soda Jump! It's too late to try to hide it now!"

I'm not a superhero, kid. Not yet.

"Can I have your autograph?" Yuuta exclaims happily, digging in his bag for a sharpie. While he's distracted, I teleport around the corner, ignoring his question.

I don't have time for this. Yuuta, devastated when he notices my absence, begins to break down in tears. He opens his mouth, his sobs echoing through the empty streets. I glance around the corner, inwardly sighing as I walk out again, signing his bag.

"WOAH! Thank you! I'll never wash this bag again!"

I do wonder where his mom is. Surely he can't be lost, right?

"Hey, can you do the Soda Jump again?" Yuuta holds out a picture of Cyborg Cider-Man #2, who's in his costume, surrounded by adoring fans. In the corner is self-promotion for his merch.

I can't believe I made him a real hero. The things you do for kids.

"I always drink Energy Cider to support you!"

He gets more money off his stupid merch than he does out of hero work. He's just a sleazy marketing tactic to rip off kids!

"Come on, do the soda jump! You can shoot soda out of your feet with your quirk, right? Come on, jump! Do it, do it!" Yuuta takes a step back toward the curb, falling when his heel meets air. At that exact moment, a car comes, the man inside screaming about the sudden child instead of doing something to limit the imminent danger. I sigh, using psychokinesis to make the car veer around the small greenette.

That was close.

"That was the Soda Air Cannon! You use your quirk to shoot soda out of your hands and at your enemies, right? That so cool! I know everything there is to know about Soda and Cyborg Cider-Man #2!" The kid pulls out a diagram of the hero that explains his quirk and how it works, along with some of the side effects, like his Soda blood. "I know you're Cyborg Cider-Man #2, I'm sure of it!" Yuuta cheers, jumping up and down excitedly. "I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!"
Must he say the full name every time? It's annoying. A police officer walks by, allowing me to get his attention and explain that he's lost. Yuuta, too excited about his "discovery", ignores the conversation, climbing onto my shoulders instead.

Why does this kid love this teen so much?

It's just his nature.

13 years on the job and my gut says this is bad.

You should quit.

Anyway, the kid's all yours. I'm outta here. I pick Yuuta up, sitting him down so the police officer can deal with him. The officer kneels down, smiling at Yuuta.

"Alright, son, are you friends with that big kid?"

"Yup! He's a pro hero with a secret identity!"

Do pros have secret identities?

"You should've seen him shoot a car!" When those words come out of Yuuta's mouth, I make a run for it, cursing myself for using my teleportation so recklessly. I round the corner, making sure Yuuta can't see us before hitting the police's head, erasing his memory. I walk back out, knowing that I can't just leave the kid. Yuuta follows me throughout the day, making it impossible for me to go home.

"Question: Is your arch-enemy Baron Cola really strong?"

Yeah, he's strong. You'd think that he'd be freaking out, but, knowing Yuuta, he probably thinks his balloon is his mom or something.


Yuuta, where's your mom?

"Huh? What are you talking about she's... AH!" Yuuta begins to cry, sobbing out that his mom got lost and he thought she was a balloon. I sigh, crouching down so Yuuta can get on my back.

Get on. I'll do the soda jump. Yuuta wipes his tears away, jumping on my back. I jump, flying over the city in search of his mom.


Quiet down, I'm not supposed to use my quirk.

I finally hear Yuuta's mom, so I drop him off next to her.


"Yuuta, where have you been! I was about to call the police!"

"Don't worry, mommy! Cyborg Cider-Man #2 rescued me and then we flew here, right?" Yuuta turns around, but I'm already gone. It's best he idolizes the real Cyborg Cider-Man #2, not some high school student.

"Honey, I don't see anyone. Did you imagine it?"

A pro like Cyborg Cider-Man #2 would've made sure he found me; it must've been his imagination.

"No, really! Look, I even got his autogr- huh?" Yuuta turns his bag around, surprised when the signature is gone. His mom smiles, ruffling his hair.

"Come on, let's go home. And don't wander off again, okay?" Yuuta nods, taking his mom's hand and following her home.

I open my front gate, annoyed that it's already dark. I glance to my side, sighing inwardly.

"Oh, hello neighbor! We're the Iridatsu family, we just moved in next door!"

"CYBORG CIDER-MAN #2!!!! IT'S HIM! I TOLD YOU, MOM!" Yuuta's mom smiles at me apologetically, crouching down so her face is level with his.

"Yuuta, dear, Cyborg Cider-Man #2 is a pro hero. He's at least in his 20's, maybe even 30's! This young man is still a teen, he can't be Cyborg Cider-Man #2."

"But... he did the Soda Jump! And he used the Soda Air Cannon!"

"Yuuta, you know all about quirks. It was probably just his quirk."

"Ohh..." Yuuta looks at his feet, kicking a pebble. "I really thought..." His mom sighs, ruffling his hair.

"You might really meet him one day, you know."

I heard he lives around here. Yuuta's mom eyes me curiously but seems to understand when Yuuta's eyes light up.

"Really? That's so cool! Do you think I'll see him? Do you, do you?"

You'll have to wait and find out. 


(Casually almost forgot)
So I got invited to post SDLAUAH on Webnovel! Which means I'm slowly posting it over there, editing it as I do so. I'm also going to remove any romance in that version (don't worry, it'll stay here) because some people really dislike it. Just thought I'd let you guys know! o((*^▽^*))o
Thanks for reading!

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