Chapter 69- Nice

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"Long time no see!" Kusuke smiles, tilting his head as he studies me. "You've certainly grown, Kusuo." His larger companion leans over Pixie-Bob, using her as a hostage so we can't move.

"Saiki, do you know them?" Mandalay asks, a hint of hope in her voice as she does.

Maybe he can talk them down without a fight. That's the best way to keep the kids safe.

I don't understand... why can't I read any of their thoughts?

"What's wrong? Is something not working for you, baby bro?" Kusuke smirks, tapping the device on his head. "It took me a while to figure it out, but with this, you can't use any of your powers on me! Isn't it amazing? My friends here have something similar; I call them Telepathy Cancellers!" Midoriya steps back, his mind racing.

This is Saiki's brother? He's evil? He doesn't sound like an ordinary villain, but he definitely seems like he means business. How can he create something that blocks Saiki's powers? Does it block all of his powers? Are there more villains? Where's Kota? I have to make sure he's safe!

What are you doing here?

I need to remain calm. Maybe I can distract him, make a plan...

"You won't be able to distract me, little bro." Kusuke skips forward, happily humming to himself. Tiger, Mandalay, and Midoriya slide into a fighting stance, but I put my hand up to tell them not to.

We have to be careful. Don't attack first. I tell them, hoping that Kusuke doesn't snap. He stops in front of me, his hand out expectantly. I don't take it, apprehensive of him.

"Oh, come on, Kusuo. In London, people shake hands to greet each other." I clench my teeth, but nonetheless grab his hand, shaking it as he had wanted.

"Hmm, even when your powers have no influence on me my quirk doesn't work on you. That's odd."

"Enough chit-chat. It's time for your classes." Aizawa speaks, annoyed with Teruhashi but glad that she was able to silence Monoma. "Why don't we start with practice maneuvers?" The teacher asks Vlad King, who nods in response.

"I was thinking the same thing. Perhaps we should-"


"It's Mandalay's telepath!" Kirishima announces, finding it strange that it feels so much more different than Saiki's.

"It's weird, isn't it?" Teruhashi muses, absent-mindedly writing 'Saiki' on her paper.

"Stop talking." Aizawa orders, listening carefully to Mandalay's message.

Three villains attacked us. It's possible there are more coming. Everyone return to camp immediately! We're regrouping. Do not engage any enemies!

"I'll look after the other students. Protect them!" Aizawa runs out the door before Vlad can say anything.

If it's a full-scale attack, we're in big trouble.

"Looks like your concern has you distracted, Erasure." Dabi sends a large flame at Aizawa, the distance between the two making it impossible for Aizawa to dodge. "You pros oughta lay off. We haven't come here for any of you, so just stay out of our way."

Aren, Toritsuka, and Kendo are running through the fog, their faces covered with motorcycle helmets from Aren's quirk.

"How did you know these filtered?" Kendo asks, glad at how helpful Aren's quirk is.

"My motorcycle helmets filter out the dust and stuff coming at me; it makes riding much more fun."

"And it helps against poisonous gas how?" Toritsuka asks, worried for his life.

"It won't help for long, but it will help. It's better than nothing." Kendo nods in agreement. Their conversation comes to an abrupt end when Kendo's name is called, and Tetsutetsu appears from the bushes, holding an unconscious Shiozaki in his arms.

"Tetsutetsu! Ibara! Where'd you get those masks?" She asks, immediately noticing the gasmasks they're wearing.

"Yaoyorozu from class A made them for us. Awase is taking her to the rest of our class so she can help them too. Take some, they should help!" The three nod, quickly exchanging the helmets for masks.

"We need to get back to camp fast. Who knows how many villains could be roaming through the woods?"

"No. We should fight." Aren announces, his eyes gleaming. Tetsutetsu nods in agreement, his fists clenched.

"You guys get Shiozaki back to camp," Tetsutetsu instructs, handing her to Kendo.

"Mandalay told us to retreat!" Kendo argues, not wanting to directly disobey orders.

"You're always getting on Monoma when he talks about the differences in our classes, but you feel it, don't you? We're not the same. We all got into UA with the same exam. We study the same curriculum. So why are they better?"

"Isn't it obvious? They've been in fight after fight." Aren snarls, upset that we got stuck with Class B.

"Come on, Kendo. Real heroes don't turn their backs and run from the bad guy. Fighting villains is what we do!" Tetsutetsu reminds her, turning to Aren.

"Let's go beat this guy." Aren nods, creating a motorcycle.

"Get on."

Dammit. Bakugo thinks, covering his face as a foul scent drifts around him.

"There must be some sort of gas villain out here," Todoroki observes, an unconscious student on his back. "I'm worried about the others who are still in the forest, but I don't see that there's much we can do now. Hopefully, Ragdoll can take care of everyone else."

"Don't tell me what to do, Icyhot." Bakugo snarls through his hand, apprehensive of the gas. The pair stop as they near a black figure in the path. It's obviously fascinated with what's in front of him. Bakugo notices a flesh-colored substance at the creature's knees.

What's that?

"Hey, who was ahead of us again?" He asks Todoroki, his voice muffled through his hand.

"Tokoyami and Mera, I believe." He responds, noticing the flesh as well. From their distance, they can't make it out, but they can hear the creature's happy coos.

"So pretty... no. Have to work. But it's so delicious..." He gets to his feet, pausing for a moment before turning to face the teenagers behind him. "I have a job to do."

"No fighting. Is that the rule?"

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