Chapter 49- Big Lick!

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"Are you sure you shouldn't be in your other form?" Ojiro questions Yumehara, his tail quivering with anticipation. "My agility is pretty high; it might be better if you use your strength."

"It's fine! I feel more comfortable in with agility, for multiple reasons. Besides, it's better to avoid Big Lick's quirk altogether." Ojiro hums, nodding slightly.

"I can't argue with that logic. But we need to be prepared. Did you bring sugar or something?"

"Yeah, yeah." Yumehara waves dismissively, peering around the corner of the building the pair are crouched behind. "Do you really think this will be a difficult fight?" She asks, turning to Ojiro, a judgmental gaze on her face.

"Well, not really... but there must be a reason they put us against him."

"Yeah, because they ran out of teachers! We're lucky to get such a nice draw."

"Yeah, I guess..."

"Shhh... there he is!" Yumehara whispers, narrowing her eyes as Big Lick wanders aimlessly around the clearing, staying close to the escape gate.

"What's our plan?" Ojiro hisses, suddenly even more unsure of their chances.

"You don't have one?"

"I thought you did!" Ojiro sighs, motioning with his tail for Yumehara to follow him around the opposite side of the building. She hesitates, but follows, seeing no reason not to. "Our communication needs some improvement," Ojiro complains, his tail swaying as he thinks of a plan. "If you were in your other form you could distract him while I go through the escape..."

"Uraraka and Tokoyami already did that, we need a plan that will be good content."


"Huh? Anyway, Big Lick is ranked the worst hero, so I don't know much about him. I'm assuming he isn't very fast, and those weights aren't helping him."

"Yeah, you're right." Ojiro hesitantly agrees, still concerned. "But we can't underestimate him. He is a pro, after all. Just because he's the worst pro doesn't mean he's worse than a high schooler."

"Oh, come on! Loosen up! He hasn't even come to get us yet! It's been like, 10 minutes!"

"Fuck, you're right."

"Is that bad?"

"We have a time limit, and we have no plan. We're wasting precious time." Yumehara pauses, biting her lip.

"Okay. What if..."

Big Lick eyes the escape, carefully reading the words stretched over the opening to make sure the students hadn't snuck past him somehow.

"Where are they?" He whines, shaking his hand gently. "These weights are so heavy." He huffs, sitting down on the cement. "And it's hot out! I want to go home." He turns his body to face where the kids were supposed to enter, but there's still no movement. Kuniharu sighs, tilting his chin up as the sun beats down on him. "At least I didn't have to go against Kusuo..."

"NOW!" Yumehara screams, jumping out from her hiding spot. Ojiro follows suit, appearing on the other side of Big Lick. They both grab his arms, holding him down with the help of the weights.

"There you two are!" Big Lick smiles, a nervous sweat running down his brow.

"We caught you! We won!" Yumehara cheers, loosening her grip. As soon as she does so Big Lick enlarges his tongue, pushing off the ground beneath him to shake off the two teens.

"I'm not caught until I'm tied up!" He reminds the pair as he flies through the air, away from the escape.

"Yumehara, we could just go through the escape, it's right here..."

"And admit that we can't handle him?" She questions, glaring at the boy.

"It's the easiest way to win..." Ojiro mumbles, knowing that he won't change his partner's mind either way.

"Come on, let's stick to the plan."

"'Running out and grabbing him' is not a plan!" Yumehara ignores Ojiro, running toward her foe. Big Lick catapults himself toward her, shrinking his tongue while in the air to increase his speed. Once close enough he enlarges it again, planting his tongue on Yumehara.

"EW! WHY?" Yumehara screams, saliva soaking her entire being. Big Lick smirks, his tongue sticking out playfully.

"Come at me!"

I'll make Aizawa proud! Kuniharu decides, sudden confidence flowing through him. Yumehara runs her hand down her face in a futile attempt to rid her features of saliva.

"Why do you have so much saliva? You're like a weird dog!" Big Lick ignores her, sticking his tongue straight out and enlarging it. This pushes the teens away from Kuniharu, while at the same time knocking the breath out of them. Ojiro uses his tail to remain upright, but Yumehara falls backward, landing hard on her back. She screams, pain washing over her in strong waves.

"Are you okay?" Ojiro asks, kneeling beside the girl. Yumehara, her face red in embarrassment and discomfort, nods, struggling to get to her feet. Ojiro helps her up, though struggles to keep a good hold on her shoulders with the saliva there.

"Hmm... 5 more minutes." Kuniharu playfully glances at his wrist, as if a watch were there. "Will you pass?" Ojiro glances behind him, the escape gate a mere ten yards away. Her glances at Yumehara, who's now leaning heavily on him, her breath labored.

"We will pass," she growls, annoyed. Ojiro nods, gently letting go of Yumehara.

We will if I get through that gate. Big Lick somehow deduces what Ojiro's thinking and he catapults himself forward, landing between Ojiro and the escape. I'm fine. I'm faster than him, I have to be!

"Wanna see my best move?" Kuniharu smiles, excited to show off his quirk.

"N-no?" Ojiro stammers, not really sure how to answer.

"Too bad!" Big Lick cheers, looking down at his feet. "Biiigggg... LICK!" As he yells 'lick', his tongue shoots out of his mouth, enlarging beneath him and sending him flying into the air. However, this time, instead of shrinking his tongue to 'fly', Kuniharu keeps it firmly planted in the ground, making sure that it covers every inch of the gate. "Goo luc geeing through tha!" Kuniharu speaks, his tongue greatly muffling his voice. Ojiro falls back, the enlarged tongue just barely brushing against his feet as he stares up in awe. He glances back at Yumehara, his brow furrowed in dismay as Kuniharu's silhouette casts a shadow over the pair.

There's nothing I can do...



Sorry for the late chapter! I had the ACT so I didn't have time to write T.T

But it's here now!

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