Chapter 56- Can You Change Him Back?

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"Good luck, Deku!" Uraraka cheers, giving her greenette friend a reassuring thumbs-up. The boy sighs, shaking slightly in fear.

"Thanks, Uraraka."

"With your strength and quick thinking, I'm sure you'll be fine," Iida mentions, chopping the air. Midoriya smiles nervously, a brief chuckle leaving his lips.

"I sure hope so!" The rest of the class gives him a few more encouraging comments as he leaves, hoping to help the boy grow a little more confidence in his own abilities.

"Hi, Saiki! Are you ready?"

I guess so.

How enthusiastic. Midoriya sweats, trying not to panic.

We'll be fine. The boy jumps, startled by my comment.

"I know!"

It doesn't make me any less worried... Saiki is strong but he doesn't have nearly as much experience as All Might. All Might has fought many villains, including All for One, and he has won those fights. Sure, Saiki defeated the Nomu and Stain, but All Might would've done the same. Saiki may be confident, but this won't be as easy as he might think. "I'm definitely worried that All Might has made a plan to defeat us. He's smart, strong, and fast, he's not going to be easy to beat at all. If he gets fired up he might do something rash as well, especially against-"

You're mumbling.


"Right, sorry."

What's your plan? I ask, the arena slowly coming into view as we walk toward our match.

"Well, I can't fight, I don't stand a chance, but you can. It might be best if you distract him while I run. But All Might is fast, it's possible he'll be able to stop me while fighting you. Though if you use your teleportation it should be okay..."

I have a cooldown.

"What? Didn't you teleport fast with the first Nomu?"

He broke my limiters. I vaguely gesture to my head, drawing Midoriya's attention to the two pink objects in my head.

"Those are limiters? Woah... do you need them though?"

They help me control my power, so yes. Without them, I risk ending the world. Midoriya chuckles, glancing away from me.

I can't tell if he's serious or not....

So, the plan is for you to run while I distract him?

"Basically, yeah." I nod, crossing my eyes as we finally make it to the arena. I watch All Might wrap his hand around a weight, grunting with the effort of holding them.





He's at the exit. I inform my partner, who nods in understanding.

"I'll take a detour. If you uh... need help... tell me."

I will. Midoriya takes a deep breath, running to the side and toward an alley.

I'll start this off with a bang. One punch should push them back.... A wind, stronger than a category five hurricane, rushes through the street, ruffling my hair as it pushes against me. Midoriya, not quite to the alley, is thrown backward, unable to keep any sort of balance as the wind pushes him back like a wall. I sigh, walking forward, hoping that Midoriya sticks to the plan. I narrow my eyes as All Might moves as well, using his great speed and meeting me halfway.

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