Chapter 33- Time to Pick Some Names

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"The first-year students have completed all of the events! Now it's time to relax and enjoy the award ceremony!" Midnight vaguely gestures around as fireworks explode and the media make their way to the front. Three large pedestals raise, revealing to the crowd the four top students of the Sports Festival. Third place is shared by Nendo and Kaido, the latter of which looks very uncomfortable. His arms are crossed protectively across his chest and his shoulders are scrunched as if trying to hide from the crowd. His light blue hair covers his red eyes as if he wants to hide the puffiness that surrounds them. Nendo is the complete opposite. He's looking around, confused that he's somehow getting taller.

Second place, Bakugo, is surprisingly quiet. He's simply staring at his feet, clenching and unclenching his fists. I fumble with my ring, uncomfortable on the first-place pedestal.

How did this happen? I'm supposed to be average. I'm supposed to be able to live my life without all of this hassle.

I glance into the crowd, somehow managing to immediately find my mom in the swirling mass of people.

Oh, right. That's how this happened. I sigh, resting my gaze on Midnight, who is casually trying to get the media's attention by waving her assets around. After a few moments she finally introduces All Might, who has been who-knows-where the past few mont- I mean few hours.

All Might's outrageously loud laugh echoes through the arena as he jumps over the edge, grimacing as Midnight ruins his entrance. After a few awkward moments Midnight hands him the medals, and the Number One Hero makes his way to the first pedestal.

"Don't look so down, Kaido." The boy looks up at the massive man, sniffling but puffing his chest out to make himself look less timid. "You did well out there. You just need to work on controlling that quirk of yours, is all. Once you do that, you'll be a valuable hero. I'm glad you're on our side." The blonde places the medal around Kaido's neck then wraps his arms around the boy. Kaido sniffles some more, tears dripping down his face as he buries himself in All Might's arms. He almost disappears in the mass of muscle. All Might pats the boy's back, seemingly reluctant to leave. But he does, standing to make his way to Nendo.

"You did a fine job, young man." Nendo's gaze lingers past All Might, on the horizon far off. All Might tilts his head but does not question the boy, instead placing the medal around his neck. He goes in for a hug, awkwardly wrapping his arms around the boy. Nendo may be a foot shorter, but they're both built very large. All Might straightens, moving on to Bakugo.

"You may not have won, young Bakugo, but you certainly gave it your best! And that's what matters here. I'm sure you'll win next year!" Bakugo tchs, tapping his foot impatiently. All Might ignores him, placing the medal around Bakugo's neck. He pauses, opening his arms to hug Bakugo.

"Are you gay or something? Don't even think about it." All Might pauses, his smile tightening as he nods, moving on to me. For some reason his smile seems more nervous than usual.

"You will make a formidable opponent for any villain that is unfortunate enough to pass you." I nod, allowing him to place the medal over my head. He opens his arms to me too but stops when I glare at him. "Right." He turns away from me, speaking so the crowd can hear.

"Here they are, the winners of the Sports Festival!" He gives a short motivational speech for the other students. At the end, Nendo's eyes lit up as the spot on the horizon grew larger, Ramen flying into his owner's pocket. I teleported to the classroom, refusing to be anywhere near that vile creature. And with that, the festival ended.

Aizawa gave us two days off to rest. The class emptied in a hurry, everyone excited to go home to their families. Bakugo shoved past everyone, avoiding eye contact with me as he walks out the door. I decide to let him leave to cool off. I'll tell him everything, one day. I have to.

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