43. Marnie and Boggart

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Warnings: mentions of specific fears/phobias, feeling of fear, and panic 

"Ms. McGonagall, since you are so inclined to chit chat, would you like to demonstrate how to defend yourself from a Boggwart?" Lupin's voice sliced smoothly through my blatant effort to talk right over him.

"Wonderfully kind of you to offer. But no, thank you, how about Percy? He seems enthusiastic to show off today." I smirked at Percy while he glared at me. Lupin just sighed, smiling in that ridiculous patient way he did, and waved me forward. 

"Why thank you, Ms. McGonagall, lovely of you to join us." He beamed, theatrically. 

"Sure it is," I grumbled, stepping in front of the wardrobe. 

"Right, wand at the ready," Lupin said before opening the trunk. It was quick but I gasped as suddenly the room was swept with a chilly pitch black. I gasped again, thoroughly startled as blood-curdling screams rang out, bouncing off the stone walls. I knew these screams, I had heard them the night my parents died. 

I covered my ears, cowering in the dark as the screams grew louder while the lights flickered. My parents' bodies lay, bloodied, staring at me while Mavis stood above them, also covered in blood, staring at me. He looked at me with urgency, pleading with me to do something but I stood there, frozen. 

I heard students murmuring from underneath the wicked shrieks as the cloud of a Death Eater mark billowed in the room. I stared at it, inquisitively horrified while two women with long curly black hair and Death Eater masks on stood over my parents' bodies, laughing. One held Mavis back by his throat, getting ready to brutally kill him too.

"And to think Marnie, you could've joined them." Her voice sneered. 

"Riddikulus!" Within seconds, the room was silent, the lights were back to normal and the images before me vanished. I stood, feeling defeated, face pale, and still unable to move. 

I could hear mumbled voices moving around me but was unable to hear clearly what they may have been saying. My vision was failing me while Lupin dismissed the class, I watched students trickle out, momentarily looking back at me with mixed glances of both concern and disturbance. 

At least I had been lucky enough to be the last one to go.

"Marnie, why don't you sit here?" Lupin asked, gesturing to the seat across from his desk. I didn't reply, just sat, folding my hands together. Lupin smiled softly at me, handing over a little chunk of a chocolate bar. 

"Eat this, it'll make you feel better." He said, smiling. 

"Isn't this for Dementor attacks?" I quipped, feeling my soul reenter my body. Lupin laughed, nodding.

"I'm glad to see that charming sense of sarcasm is back. You must be feeling a bit better?" I nodded, wordlessly and quietly eating the sweets. 

"I'm sure it was refreshing to have it absent," I added. 

"You certainly aren't entitled to, but is there anything you wish to speak about? Maybe airing anything, getting a worry or concern off your chest?" 

"I think this lesson is rubbish." I snapped. Lupin just nodded, inquisitively. 


"Making people face the thing they fear the most in front of their classmates? You do understand that teenagers can be arseholes right?" I explained. Lupin nodded.

"Noted. I'll keep that in mind."

"Oh right, I'm sure," I grumbled, crossing my arms. 

"I knew your parents." Lupin suddenly said. I worked hard to hide my sudden surprise and interest.

"Oh yeah?" 

"Mmhmm, lovely couple. Had a real knack for potions." I hummed in response. 

"What you are afraid of, Marnie is perfectly understandable given your situation," Lupin said. The pit sitting in my stomach lessened though the scowl on my face didn't falter. 

"Yes well..." I didn't have much of a response but I supposed it was nice to have Lupin checking in after the Boggart fiasco. 

"I'm here if you wish to chat." I nodded, standing and gathering my bag, walking out without a glance back at Professor Lupin.


hashtag ran out of inspiration. sorry for a short one there's a longer one right behind. comment/like/share! update soon. word count: 700

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