39. Pippa and The Weasley's

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"Do you think I could meet your family?" I asked, spinning around on my seat while Fred packed. He looked nervous. 


"I mean, I would really love to meet your parents," I said. He continued to put things in his trunk.

"Pip, I-"

"Is it something wrong with me?" I asked, suddenly. Fred dropped the jumper he was holding immediately and rushed over to me.

"Of course not, you know that." He said, gently. I fiddled with the locket around my neck, avoiding his eyes.

"I don't want to force you or make you feel guilty at all, it's just that Marnie knows them and has had such great things to say about them..." I said, nervously. 

"It's really important to you?" Fred asked. I nodded, smiling sheepishly. Fred smiled softly. 

"It's not you at all. It's them. There's so many of them and it gets so loud and chaotic and Mum will surely ask a million questions-" I pulled Fred's face close to mine, kissing him softly. 

"I don't think anything could scare me away," I whispered. He smiled, pushing my glasses up. I really had no intention of forcing my way into his vacation. 

"I will owl mum today. She's been wanting to meet you as well." My boyfriend replied, going back to folding and packing. I smiled, stupidly, spinning around in his chair again.


"Right, got my trunk, got your trunk, I think we're all- Pip, are you alright?" Fred asked. I stood frozen in the station, glancing at a woman with fiery red hair, greeting her other children. My nerves were on fire while I could feel my heartbeat pounding in my ears.

"You know, I'm really not so sure about this," I whispered, holding tightly to my necklace, a habit I had seemed to develop when I got nervous. Fred put his trunk down and took ahold of my shoulders. 

"Sweet girl, you wanted to meet them!" He said with a smile. I did my best to smile back.

"I know. You know what, I think I left something on the train, I'll go get it." I said, ready to escape. Fred smiled, knowingly. 

"Alright, give me your trunk then." I sighed, knowing there was no way out of this now.

"What if she doesn't like me? I know The Weasley's and the Malfoy's do not get along." I whispered, biting my bottom lip. Fred lowered his eyes to meet mine. 

"Phillipa Malfoy, there is nothing not to love about you. You are nothing like them and while she may be a bit skeptical at first, George, Ginny, and I have given her nothing but good things to go off of. Same with Marnie when she visits." Fred said. I suddenly hugged him, wrapping my arms tightly around him. Fred hugged me back, squeezing me until I started giggling. 

"Right. They're all looking at us, so why don't we get the hardest part over?" He asked, placing a kiss on my forehead. I nodded as he held his hand out. I took it and we made our way over to the Weasley Bunch. 

"Hello, Mrs. Weasley, I'm Pippa-" as I extended my hand to shake Mrs. Weasley's she ignored it completely, pulling me into a tight hug. I closed my eyes, hugging back, feeling a sudden rush of emotions come forward. I blinked rapidly to keep my rapidly-approaching tears away. 

When I pulled away, Mrs. Weasley was smiling brightly at me, but her smile fell as she caught my eyes. I laughed, feeling embarrassed, wiping them away. 

"I'm sorry, I don't normally cry in train stations." I joked. She smiled. "It's just, my parents don't really ever hug me, or even pick me up from the station," I said, trying to explain myself but I had realized it sounded much more upsetting than I intended it to. 

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