1. Pippa and the Hufflepuff Boy

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"Be back by 4 P.M. sharp. We have dinner plans and I don't need you wandering the house aimlessly." I didn't get a chance to say anything as Lucious went about his usual routine of apparating me places instead of being a normal parent who accompanies their child places.

I landed in Diagon Alley, thinking to myself, at least that much went alright. I held a list in my hand of tasks that needed to be taken care of all before 4 P.M. After a minute or two, I deemed it fit for Gringotts would be my first stop.

After managing to work my little 12-year old brain through a complex banking system, I was set and ready to get the rest of my supplies. I wandered into Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions. Narcissa had set up an appointment for robe fittings for school.

"Hello! I will be right with you!" A voice from beyond, who I could only assume was Madam Malkin, called to me.

"Alright," I replied, tapping my foot, anxiously as I waited for the mysterious woman to appear.

"Hello deary, how may I help you this morning?" A friendly-looking woman came to the front desk.

"Hello, I'm Pippa Malfoy. Narcissa- my mum made an appointment for robe fittings?" I worked hard to ignore the bitter taste of called that woman her mother and attempted to remember to be polite.

"Of course! Let me just check my records- ah yes! here we are! If you would like to set any belongings behind my desk for safekeeping you may have and we will get started!"


After an hour of being poked and prodded, I gave the woman what I owed her for robes and waving goodbye to her. She handed me a slip informing me of when my robes would be in for pick-up.

Checking that item off my list, I went to Eeylop's Owl Emporium to look for an owl. Lucious instructed that I pick one that was big and strong and not too personable. Naturally, I had made it my mission to do just the opposite.

"Hello, looking for an owl today, Miss?" The man behind the counter asked. I found it to be an odd question but refrained from voicing my sarcastic response.


"Any kind in particular?" I paused a moment, then shook my head.

"No, I don't really know much about owls," I admitted.

"Well, you've got your big and strong Eagle Owl," I shook my head, "your dependable and fierce Screech Owl." It cocked its head at me as we passed, almost glaring.


"How about a Great grey Owl?" My eyes wandered, suddenly landing on the cutest, tiniest owl I had ever seen.

"What about that one?" I asked, venturing over. The shop attendant laughed, hesitantly.

"Surely, Miss you don't want a Little Owl, do you?" He asked. I smiled up at him.

"Absolutely, I do."


My new Little Owl, Neptune, I had decided to name him, bounced around in his cage happily as I walked into Ollivander's.

"Hello?" A man called. I couldn't help but laugh as every shop keeper I had met so far greeted me the same way.

"Hello," I replied.

"In need of a wand, I see." Who I could only assume was Mr. Ollivander himself asked.

"Yes sir." I had started to feel that I had likely done my shopping backward.

"I don't suppose you'd mind if I placed my owl on the counter for a moment?" I asked, timidly. Mr. Ollivander smiled.

"Not at all, be my guest." I smiled gratefully.

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