51. Marnie and the First Task

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I trudged through the Forbidden Forest, arms crossed tightly over my chest. Harry, panicked and knowing that I possibly had the insight to the first task of the Tri-Wizard Tournament, pleaded with me to find out what I could.

I, never one to turn down a chance to meddle in something I had no business in, and feeling deeply worried for the poor kid as he was the talk of the school for being chosen as a second Champion for Hogwarts, I obliged without a second thought. 

I scribbled a letter to Mavis and Charlie, asking if they had any ideas, and was thankfully met with a clue in the right direction.

As I followed the incessant screams of some sort of large creature, I gasped, startled as I was met with four dragons. 

"Oh, you've got to be kidding," I grumbled, taking a breath and walking closer. My brother knew of my arrival just at my comment as he turned to me, smiling. 

"Hello there, School Prefect. Out a little late aren't we?" He teased while Charlie rolled his eyes.

"Piss off. As you said, school prefect, therefore, no consequences. And another detention isn't going to kill me." I replied, keeping my eyes trained on the raging creatures before me.

"So, dragons, huh?" I said. Both Charlie and Mavis nodded, excitedly.

"Smashing isn't it? Absolutely chuffed." Charlie sighed. I gasped again as the Hungarian Horntail nearly incinerated its handler with a mightily exhale of flames.

"Mmhmm." I nodded. 

"Nervous for the task?" Mavis asked. I scoffed.

"Sure, I'm nervous to watch four people fight dragons just to be sent to the next deadly task, huzzah," I explained, my response so clearly dripping in sarcasm. 

"Is it possible for you to answer like a normal person?" Mavis asked. I shook my head, absently still watching the dragon's firey breaths light up the dark forest. 

"Can't believe they canceled quidditch for this," I muttered.


"It's dragons," I whispered to Harry as we walked down the corridor. 

"Dragons, well that's bloody brilliant." He muttered. I sighed, looking at him.

"I spoke to my brother last night, they're keeping them in the Forbidden Forrest. There's four of 'em." I explained, smiling casually to people passing by who waved or said hello. 

"You have to pretty much battle the dragon, snatch the golden egg, and don't get killed. I suppose it's a bit like catching the snitch. Though it's bigger. And there's a dragon after you," I turned, looking at Harry's face pale. 

"Sorry," I muttered. "look, you're a brilliant seeker. Brilliant flyer too, you get one item to bring in with you or to summon. Now, I'm not telling you what to bring because that would be cheating. But, if it were me, I might think of bringing my broom." I finished. Harry nodded, looking just a bit better. 

"Oh and try not to let that woman Rita Skeeter into your head, she can be a nightmare. Try to just breathe and focus on getting out alive." 


Angelina and I stood in the row just before the Twins, Ella, and Pippa as we watched Harry walk out to the pit where the egg he was to catch rested in plain sight. Hermione and Ron were close by but I sensed tension between the famous "Golden Trio" ever since Harry was chosen for the tournament. 

I hadn't realized I was holding my breath until the Hungarian Horntail began to defend the egg.

"Of course it's the Horntail," I muttered. Angelina chuckled at my comment, knowing that as much as I didn't really care for dragons, because of Mavis and Charlie, I had extensive knowledge of them regardless. 

"He'll be alright," Pippa said in her wonderfully optimistic fashion. 

"He's the Chosen One." I joked. Pippa flicked the back of my head. 

"Oh come on am I wrong?" I mumbled, rolling my eyes. As the task went on, I cheered loudly as Harry summoned his broom.

"Ah smart lad, isn't he." I mused. 

"Well done dragon!" Fred yelled at one point and I heard Pippa sigh while Ella laughed. Harry had done an excellent job avoiding the beastly dragon and eventually was able to snatch the egg and get out of the Hungarian Horntail's line of fire. Pun absolutely intended. 


right okay i apologize for this shitty chapter i tried but i kinda just had to power through while my zero good ideas. it'll improve soon hopefully lmao. update soon. word count: 747

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