4. Ella and the Red Head Nuisance

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"And you've got all your things?" I nodded, smiling excitedly at Dad, as he smiled.

"Alright then, let's go." My leg bounced as I sat in the front seat of my father's car. He drove in the same careful and cautious way he always had and I sat impatiently, per usual. I liked to move fast and he enjoyed taking life slowly. And usually, I had no issue with this.

Except when I want to get somewhere for some really important reason. Oh, I know! Like not missing the train and starting off my first year at Hogwarts on a good foot. 

"Dad, is there any way you could drive a little faster?" He chuckled.

"We will get there on time, El, relax. Please." I took a deep breath and tried to focus on anything else.

"Is Mum coming to the station?" I asked, attempting to keep my hopes down. Dad glanced over to me with a sad smile.

"'Fraid not, Dear." He said. I nodded, not overly surprised but also unable to ignore the sting in my chest.

When we arrived at the station, I held my Barn Owl, Artemis' cage, and pushed along one of my bags. Dad held the other. I blew a strand of my unruly curls out of my face. We walked along to Platform 9 ¾ and I suddenly was able to see a woman with identical hair and features to mine standing by the platform, frantically waving. I gasped, smiling. I looked back at Dad who was also smiling but avoiding my eye contact.

"You liar," I muttered, smiling. I made my way over to my Mum who took my things and placed them on the ground, then engulfing me in a hug.

"Dad said you weren't going to make it," I breathed. Mum pushed some of my hair away.

"That's what makes it a surprise, Dear." I smiled, hugging Mum tighter.

"Got all your things?" Mum asked. I nodded, checking. She smiled, ruffling my hair.

"Mum, I've got a thing going," I said, backing away. This made her laugh, glancing at Dad. I turned my head as the bell tower clock chimed.

"Almost time my dear," Mum said. She handed me a couple of galleons and a copy of the Daily Prophet.

"For the trolly, and this is for the train ride, but do try to make some friends while you're at it, yeah?" She said. Her dark brown eyes looked tired as she looked at me and I realized how excited I was to have actually seen Mum.

"Yeah." Dad smiled, placing my other trunk onto my trolly and securing it down.

"So, you see that wall right there?" Mum said, pulling me closer. I noticed a large group of redheads also standing by the wall. One with curly hair had just run through.

"Yeah," I replied.

"You're going to run directly into it," Mum said, with a smile. "Do you want me to go with you?" I shook my head.

"No, I can do it," I said. Mum smiled.

"Always the independent."

"Pardon? Run into that wall?" Dad interrupted. Mum laughed.

"Relax, Oscar. I've done it hundreds of times." He relaxed a little.

"If she splatters onto the ground, don't complain when I say I told you so." Dad laughed, making Mum crack up as well. I glanced at them, feeling a familiar pit in my stomach. The pit I got whenever I saw them getting along splendidly and I asked myself why they ever split up in the first place.

Shaking the feeling, I hugged my parents goodbye and wandered over to the wall. I noticed two identical redhead boys who looked to be about my age, one standing alongside a panicked-looking girl sporting dark hair and glasses. He had an F embroidered on his jumper.

"Excuse me." I whipped my head around. I was faced with the doppelganger of the boy with the F on his jumper. This one had a G.

"Yes?" I felt myself immediately becoming annoyed as he smiled smugly at me for seemingly no good reason. 

"Are you going to go through? Or just stand in front of the wall, gazing for hours?" I scoffed and he still stood, smiling at me.

Without saying a word, I geared up to run into the seemingly solid brick wall. Just before I did, I turned back, glared at the boy, and ran through.

I hadn't realized I had closed my eyes but upon opening them, I was in another train station, just as crowded but with people who mirrored me with their owls and their wands and their trunks for school.

I passed off my luggage to a train attendant and carried Artemis and The Daily Prophet onto the train and plopped down in the first empty compartment I saw. Brilliant,  I thought to myself.  Enjoying the silence of the compartment, I began reading the sports section.

England loses to Ireland 150-40. Ireland lands ticket to World Cup.

Figures, I thought. I continued reading but was suddenly interrupted by the two redhead nuisances from the station.

"Oh, you've got to be joking-" I muttered.

"Hello again." I ignored them.

"You know this girl?" The other asked. The other twin nodded.

"Lovely lass who was holding up the line to the station." My eyes narrowed as I glared at the boy.

"Some of us don't have a million siblings to tell us all about the Wizarding World." I sneered.

"I'm Fred and this is my brother, George." I chose to not acknowledge them.

"I didn't catch your name," George said. I scoffed again, feeling tired.

"Funny. I didn't throw it." I replied without looking up. George snickered.

"Oh, she's a hoot, Freddie." Suddenly, the one called Fred was up and out of the compartment but quickly returned with that girl from the station.

"Hello there, Wondergirl." I heard him say. The girl was now sitting down next to me.

"They hijacked my compartment," I said, brushing some stray curls from my eyes.

"There's two of them." The girl whispered to me. I glanced up at the two idiots sitting across from us.

"Unfortunately," I sighed," I'm Ella by the way." The girl smiled back at me.

"Pippa." I raised her eyebrows. She glanced over at the twins.

"I'm George."

"I'm Fred." It was now clear to me the representative initials gracing each of their jumpers.

"It's nice to meet you, Pippa." I watched, painfully, once again as Pippa's face flooded with colour and heard her breath catch in her throat. I tossed my gaze back down to the Quidditch results, chuckling.



this is shitty i don't really  know what this is lmao. we'll work on it. update soon. word count: 1147

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