33. Pippa and the Case of the Mixed-up Twins

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(5th year)

It had been a week since this little game started. At first, it wasn't hard but as it dragged into a second week, I began to get frazzled by how badly I was losing.

"I can't tell them apart!" I exclaimed, pacing around my dorm. Marnie was laying on her bed with scrolls of parchment around her and a heavy book about Quidditch theory open next to her.

"In your defense, I don't think anyone can." I scoffed, pacing faster.

"I'm trying! I'm always so sure of it and then I'm incorrect. It's frustrating, I know my boyfriend." I stressed. Marnie sighed, looking up at me.

"No one is doubting that." She replied. I pushed my glasses up and then immediately pulled them back down, anxiously.

"I'll bet Fred is. Their personalities are so different but they are identical twins." I defended.

"So, just show him that you do know the difference," Marnie said. I rolled my eyes.

"Yes, that's like the whole point but I'm asking how exactly."

"Just stare at them."

"Thank you. This really has been a complete waste of my time." I groaned. Marnie laughed to herself.

"You are so welcome."


"Morning, Love!" I said confidently as I approached Fred with a smile. He glanced up at me as I leaned down to give him a kiss. However, much to my dismay, he held up a book between the two of us, blocking me.

"George." He said with a smile of pity. I groaned, dropping my head.

"Bloody hell!" I exclaimed while Fred skipped down the stairs. He just smirked at me. I sighed, watching his facial expressions and mannerisms.

"I'm going to get it, fret not," I said, determined. The boys both smiled at me, nodding their heads. I was bound and determined to get this right.


Just as my luck would have it though, the twins amped up the game: they began to switch places in class, switch jumpers, and even started to mirror each other's mannerisms.

"You've got to be joking," Marnie said as she was once again laying out Quidditch plans. I quietly sketched her and her actions as I sat on my own bed.

"I wish I was," I replied, sighing, "and we haven't been on any dates or anything because I know they wouldn't switch for something like that," I added.

"They are ridiculous." Marnie mused. I nodded. I knew Fred's personality in and out. I was usually able to spot him from a mile away just by the way he walked down the hall but now, I was stuck guessing and second-guessing myself over it and I was starting to feel discouraged.

Perhaps I didn't know my boyfriend as well as I should...

"You're overthinking is making me lose my focus," Marnie said. I scoffed.

"Please, I didn't even say anything," I replied, shading in my sketch. Marnie rolled her head to look at me with a side glance.

"You're worried that you don't know Fred as well as you should." I dropped my pencil, looking over to my friend.

"How did you know that?" I asked, my voice tight.

"I'm magical."

"Oi, come off it." I groaned while Marnie snickered to herself. The absolute worst. I love her but she's the absolute worst. I thought to myself.

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