15. Marnie and the Diary

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3rd Year-

"You want me to what?" I asked, holding the black journal by pinching the top, holding it away from myself.

"Write," McGonagall said without looking up.

"Is this a joke?" I asked. McGonagall sighed, taking her glasses off.

"It was your brother's idea. And I for one think it will be very helpful." My aunt said.

"Oh come on!" I groaned.

"Marnie, just write what you're feeling. It's quite that simple." I dramatically stomped around in a little circle, groaning.

"Are you done?" McGonagall asked. I stuck my tongue out as walked towards the door.

"I love you, Marnie." She called. I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, yeah, I love you too."


"What's that?" Pippa asked, plopping down on her bed. I looked up at her.

"Diary," I replied as I wrote down what I ate for breakfast.

"Sorry? Diary?" My roommate inquired.

"Yes. Diary." I replied as I laid on my stomach on my own bed, writing things down.

"I'm sorry, you said diary?" Pippa asked. I sighed.

"Yes, Pip. Diary. McGonagall and Mavis said this would be a good idea to write my feelings down." I said using air quotations. Pippa nodded.

"That is absolutely a good idea. How is Mavis doing?" Pippa asked. I nodded.

"Doing well. Nerding out with Charlie about dragons." I replied. I smiled at the idea. Mavis and Charlie moved to Romania almost immediately after graduating.

"I heard a rumor that one is going to propose soon," I mentioned. They have been dating since their 5th year and we couldn't be happier for them. Pippa gasped with a huge grin.

"Ohhh that's brilliant! Do you think they'll come back to Scotland or England for the wedding or staying in Romania? Do you get to go? I wonder if they'll have a more rustic type theme or a sleek classy theme. Do you know if-"

"Pip, I said it was rumored. I don't know if it's quite official yet." I laughed. Pippa sighed, dramatically flopping back down on her bed.

"Tell me as soon as you hear something." She sighed.

"Always the romantic." We laughed.


~Summer between 3rd and 4th year~


Good morning.

Well, it's been good so far. I pissed Carrot Top off in Double Advanced Potions which was my greatest accomplishment of the day. Pippa nearly fainted when the letter from Mavis announcing his engagement to Charlie arrived by Owl. I am really excited for them. Mavis has had a lot to deal with for a while and it's really nice to see him so happy.

Mavis sent me a separate letter, personally addressed to me. It's not unusual for him to send me letters but it was really nice to hear from him and listen to him get so excited about the engagement. Mavis tries to display himself as serious and mature when in actuality he is a giant bloody goofball.

I'm quite happy for him.



Later Thursday


I am trying my best to be the same Marnie that I am around my friends and quite literally anyone else but Oliver makes me nervous. And I can't find a way around it. The way he smiles is wonderfully inviting and comforting. He is a bit of a psychopath when it comes to quidditch, but then again, so am I. Empathy is an interesting thing.

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