22. Ella and the Parseltongue

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(a/n: this is probably gonna be shitty idk anything about parseltongue. bear with me lol. this is modeled after the dueling club when harry spoke in parseltongue but like instead of harry I'm gonna make it ella or something like that.)

"Ugh, I hate this class." Marnie sighed as we walked to Defense Against the Dark Arts. Pippa hummed excitedly to herself as we walked. She very much enjoyed this class. Marnie hobbled along with her crutches, grumbling to herself. Pippa held her books for her.

"It can't be that bad," I replied, picking at my nails.

"It absolutely can be with Lockhart running around. He's a nightmare." Marnie droaned.

"It's a dueling club. Technically, you don't have to do anything unless you volunteer," Pippa said as we turned the corner, "really, you can't participate anywho, just lean in the back, Wood will be there." Pippa and I snickered at the blush that assaulted Marnie's cheeks.

"Maybe I will." She fired back. The room was crowded as we walked in, mostly Gryffindors and Slytherins on their respective sides of the room. I watched Marnie lean against the wall by the window chatting up Wood. Pippa and I stood by the Twins, towards the back of the crowd.

Second-hand embarrassment coursed through me as Lockhart spoke and I cringed any time he bolstered himself up.

"The nerve of this guy," Pippa muttered. Professor Snape, also present likely because Lockhart is a git, stepped up onto the long table set up for dueling. Lockhart took his position, seemingly ready to disarm Snape.

Though, none of us were overly surprised when Lockhart went flying back as Snape yelled Expelliarmus. Pippa bumped my arm, snickering to herself. I rolled my eyes, smiling. I felt a tug on one of my curls and whipped my head around to none other than George Weasley.

"What do you want, Weasel?" I asked. His face remained cool and collected.

"Just saying hello to my favourite person at Hogwarts." I snorted at his words.

"That can't possibly be me, Weasel." He stepped closer to me to better see the next pair of students up to duel.

"Whadda say, Quincy? Think you're gonna get up there?" George teased. I crossed my arms.

"Not a chance," I replied.

"Quincy! Weasley! Since you are so inclined to chit chat, why don't you demonstrate for us something." Snape sneered. I felt my stomach plummet out of my arse.

"I hate you so much," I grumbled to George while Lockhart pulled my hand, helping me into the table. I went to one end of the table while George sauntered over to the other.

"Right, let's see what fourth year is teaching you." Lockhart pressed. Fantastic. I swallowed my pride and cleared my anger, ready for the absolute worst.

"Right, ready," my nerves tingled uncontrollably, "set," I glanced over to Pippa who looked just as nervous, "go!"

"Expelliarmus!" George yelled.

"Protego!" I fired a shield in front of my spell, blocking Weasley's.

"Very good Ms. Quincy," Snape said. I smirked over at Weasley.

"That was a fluke." He grumbled. I titled my head.

"Yeah? Tough. Tarantallegra!" George's legs wobbled uncontrollably as students surrounding us laughed. I smiled at my victory.

"Nice one Quincy," George seethed, "Petrificus Totalus!" Unprepared, George was quick to disarm me with a blinding light. I stumbled backward a bit but caught myself in time.

"Incarcerous!" I pointed my wand a George, smirking as his legs were then bound with rope as he tripped onto the table. George hesitated for a moment and I was almost hoping I had won. He muttered out a spell I didn't hear and the ropes vanished into one long snake.

"Merlin, what are you doing?" I hissed as it came towards me.

"I'll handle it," Lockhart said, stepping forward. Before I could stop myself, I stepped forward, feeling majorly in control of the situation.

(a/n: i don't know anything about parseltongue so what I wrote in italics will equal what is being said in parseltongue)

"Wait. Don't strike." I said before I could stop myself. The dialect coming from my mouth was familiar yet I couldn't identify it and was unable to confirm where I had learned it.

"No harm will come to you so long as you don't harm anyone here," I said. "Understand?" I watched as the serpent backed away, almost cowering. Snape, with a disturbed look on his face, stepped in front of me and rid the room of the snake.

I shook my head, falling back into reality as the stares of everyone burned my skin. Before anyone could stop me, I ran off the table and out of the chamber, moving quickly.


"Would you mind explaining what in Merlin that was?" Marnie asked, sharply. I excused her terrible bedside manner as she stood over me.

"Explain what?" I asked. I had gone back to the common room, which I realized too late was a mistake.

"The Parseltongue thing!" Marnie exclaimed, leaning forward on her crutches.

"Parseltongue?" I asked, sitting up from the couch.

"Salazar," she muttered, "the ability to speak to serpents." I looked at her with wide eyes.

"I didn't know I could do that," I said, quietly. 

"Obviously. Though, it's a bit interesting seeing as you and Potter are both Gryffindors." Marnie said. Potter?

"What about Potter?" I asked.

"Turns out today was the day of snakes," Marnie explained, "another snake was accidentally conjured and Potter spoke to it but everyone thinks he was setting it on this other student." She finished.

"The ability to speak to serpents. Good thing that will never be useful." I muttered, laying back down.

"Your mum was a Slytherin right?" Marnie asked.

"Yeah, why do you asked?" Marnie carefully sat down on the couch.

"Perhaps you or Potter is the heir of Slytherin." I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, as if."


this chapter is a bit pointless but i kinda had fun writing it and its ella content yay!! I'm having more inspiration to write which is exciting! update soon. word count: 989

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