6. The Twisted Witches Trio

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A/N: hello! don't mind me just a quick warning: super brief, non-in-depth mention of death/familial issues. other than that no warnings needed! carry on :)

"Do you know why you are all here?" Snape's voice was sickly and demeaning.

"Because you just love us?" Marnie answered. She had her feet up on the desk, leaning back in her chair.

"No, McGonagall. You are here because you decided to fill my office with dung bombs." Snape growled. Marnie smiled.

"Ah! Yes. It was a pleasure." Marnie said, smiling wickedly.

"And you two," Snape turned to Ella and Pippa, "lashing out and in class, Ms. Quincy and passing notes in class, Ms. Malfoy." Pippa's face paled.

"You will serve detention here for an hour, Ms. Quincy and Malfoy. 2 hours for you McGonagall," Snape said.

"What would you like us to do, teach? And! Why must I stay here fer an hour longer?" Marnie asked, thoroughly amused.

"Because I don't like you, McGonagall." Marnie scoffed, a smile curling onto her lips.

"That's quite an unfair bias, wouldn't you say?" Snape's stone-cold expression remained.

"Would you like to make it 3 hours?" Marnie pulled her feet off the desk, leaning forward.

"Would you?" Snape exhaled slowly, turning his attention back to the other girls.

"Ignore her." He said. Ella snickered quietly, looking over at Marnie who winked back. Pippa stayed quiet, afraid to get herself in more trouble.

"You'll all be writing lines. And McGonagall, when you are done with lines, you'll clap erasers." Marnie rolled her eyes.

"Brilliant. Would you like me to-"

"Be quiet, McGonagall. You'll be writing I will not pull pranks." Marnie snickered, knowing that would never be true.

"Ms. Malfoy, you will write I will not pass notes. And Ms. Quincy, you will write I will be on time for class. Understand?

"Yes Professor." The girls answered. Snape glared at the three girls before taking his seat. Marnie, Ella, and Pippa all pulled parchment and their quills out with little pots of ink. Pippa got started right away while Ella and Marnie stalled a bit. Marnie doodled on her parchment, snickering to herself as she sketched Snape being hit by the dung bombs she tossed into his office. She folded it into a paper airplane and flew it over to Ella.

She opened the paper and laughed quietly, bumping Pippa's arm. She smiled quickly, glancing up at Snape to make sure he wasn't watching. Pippa, being the artist that she is, sketched more details onto the parchment, making it pop more and come to life. Ella refolded the paper, flying it back over to Marnie.

"McGonagall. Wipe that smug look off of your face. Are you writing your lines?" Snape growled. Marnie smiled.

"Absolutely, I am not, sir." She said. Snape's glare intensified. Pippa kept her head down while Ella picked at her nails. Professor Flitwick entered the chamber just as Snape was going to speak again.

"McGonagall has requested the teachers to her office." He said quickly. Snape glanced back from Flitwick to the girls.

"I'm running detention." He said.

"Minerva said it's urgent." Flitwick urged.

"Severus, you should go, we'll be perfectly fine in your absence," Marnie said, drawn-out and lazily. She had placed her Mary-Janes back on the desk, leaning back in her chair. Snape grimaced, knowing fully well Marnie would not be responsible in the slightest.

"If I come back and the room is destroyed, hexed, or on fire, you will be serving detention with me for a month, McGonagall." He said, under his breath.

"It would be my pleasure, Severus." He glared at her before following Flitwick out of the room. Silence hung in the room.

"You are insufferable, you know that right?" Ella asked, laughing. Marnie dramatically swung her feet off the desk and sauntered over to her friends' desk, sitting on top.

"It's my mission in life." She said, brushing some of her black bangs out of her face.

"Pip, yalook like you've swallowed a whole bucket of slugs. Are you alright?" Marnie asked, swinging her legs.

"I'm alright. I just don't fancy detention." She said, quietly. The green ribbon in her hair was tied neatly parting her hair, half up and half down.

"Ah. Right, well perhaps Marnie and I will teach you how to pass notes to the love of your life without being caught." Ella joked, standing up and stretching her legs. Pippa's face flushed red as she tried to defend herself.

"I was not-"

"It's alright, Pip. We know how you feel about him and support you completely." Marnie said with a friendly smile.

"I don't feel anything for Fred, we are friends-"

"Interesting. We didn't say anything about Fred." Ella teased. Pippa groaned, placing her head down on the table.

"Please don't tell." She muttered.

"My goodness, Pip, we would never. Friends don't do that." Marnie exclaimed.

"Besides, we haven't told anyone about Marnie's love for Oliver, so of course we wouldn't say anything about Fred," Ella said. Marnie nodded, assertively.

"Yes, dear. I am blowing that situation up all by myself, so don't worry." Ella and Pippa laughed.

"So, lovely ladies, what should we do? Snape gave us some lovely options, are we feeling a good hexing? Or perhaps we fancy just destroying it? I think we should leave the fire out, don't want to burn the whole castle down. That would be difficult to hide." Marnie mused.

"Well! If it isn't the lovely Twisted Witches Trio." The girls' heads all turned to the doorway where Lee Jordan and the Weasley Twins marched into the room.

"Twisted Witches Trio?" Ella questioned. Lee nodded.

"Yes." Fred and George said together. Marnie looked at her friends.

"Get it?" Marnie teased. Ella nodded, smiling at the floor. Pippa rolled her eyes smiling.

"Right right, cause of the divorced parents' thing?" Ella said.

"And the neglectful, blood purist parents thing?" Pippa added.

"Ah, yes, and the dead parents thing, right?" Marnie finished.

"Right on, ladies." The three girls looked around at each other, smiling.

"Yeah. We're getting along just fine." Pippa said, putting her arms around both Marnie and Ella's shoulders. Marnie leaned her head on Pippa's shoulder.

"Right we are Pip."


this is a poorly written imagine about the bond between the three characters. i wish it was better lol. maybe ill edit it. who knows. update soon! Word count: 1030

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