12. Marnie and the Gryffindor Interference

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"Flint! Are you ready to go?" I called up the boy's corridor stairwell.

"I'm coming, I'm coming, McGonagall. Don't get your knickers in a twist." He said as he hopped down the stairs.

"My knickers are none of your business." I joked, hitting his arm.

"Right, right. They're Wood's business." Flint tossed back as we left the common room. My mouth hung open. I watched as Pippa's head flew up from her homework in surprise.

"Absolutely not. They are not." We walked quickly, already running late.

"Why in Merlin's name are you walking so fast?" Markus asked.

"We're running late. Very late." I replied, pulling his arm.

"James doesn't care. You're the heir to be captain anyway." It had suddenly hit me that James wasn't going to be at practice today and it was my responsibility as next-in-line to run it.

"Salazar! I'm supposed to be running practice today! Flint, let's go!" I cried out. Markus laughed as I started running. We get to the pitch, now nearly twenty minutes late.

"Well done Captain. That's twenty minutes." Adrian Pucey laughed. I rolled my eyes.

"Well, I'm here now. Let's start practice, yeah?" I said, out of breath.

"Slight problem, Cap." Miles Bletchley, our keeper said, holding laughter back.

"What why-"

"Morning Mcgonagall." A sultry Scottish voice interrupted me. I dropped my head, sighing.

"Of course." I pinched the bridge of my nose, taking a deep breath in.

"Wood," I said, looking at him. He had an adjusted team now: The twins were still beaters but there was a new chaser, along with Angelina and Alicia. Wood was now captain but still the keeper and who was the new seeker... wait.

"Is that," I started, "Harry Potter? That's Harry Potter. That's a first-year." I said, pointing. Markus hit my arm.

"We are working on not being rude, yeah?" He mumbled in my ear.

"Right. Sorry. So, looks like you've scored yourself a new Seeker. That's brilliant." I said with the same tone. Wood chuckled.

"We have. This is Harry. He's new to our team." I nodded, taking inventory.

"Mhmm. Right well. If you don't mind, we are practicing." I said, turning around.

"Not so fast, Mcgonagall. You were late." Wood said, putting his hand on my shoulder. I failed to stop the blush creeping up my neck at the contact.

"And? James booked the pitch for an hour. We still have time left." I grumbled,

"Ah, yes. But you failed to show up on time, leaving the pitch open." I was clear to both my team and Wood's that my patience was quickly plummeting and I might lose my head any moment. Wood seemed to pick up on it too,

 "So we are going to get back to it, yeah?" Wood mused. My mouth hung open as Wood and his team stalked off to Merlin knows where.

"Is he bloody serious?" I said louder than intended. Markus chuckled.

"Hi team!" my head dropped again at James' voice suddenly being present.

"You've got to be bloody kidding. Can NOTHING go right today?!" I yelled. James looked at Markus, concerned.

"Just been a bit of an off day. She's fine." He said, patting my shoulder. I glanced over to where Wood's team was hanging out. Wood, as if knowing, turned to me and winked. My anger grew again as my face burned crimson.

"I hate that kid."


I had a lot of fun with this one. update soon. word count: 607

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