The Things We Care For

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Vision felt his circuits and relays being smothered by Wanda's hexes. Like a python giving a mouse its death hug, Wanda made it so there was no means of escape. Or rather, Morgan controlled her to do so. Vision had felt this sensation a lot over the past couple of days, but it didn't compare to the first time he had experienced it; when Wanda fought back against him at the Avengers Compound. It felt unrelenting and excruciating as if she was trying to kill him.

"You've been a thorn in my side for far too long," Morgan said, "do with him as you please, Wanda my dear." Morgan's eyes glowed a bright green, and within seconds, Vision was sent toward the wall. Wanda had him pushed up against it, trying to crush him to pieces. Vision threw away all consideration for Wanda's well-being and ignited his Mind Stone. A strong yellow beam surged toward Wanda, which she refracted into a couple of other directions. Both groaned and strained in the struggle, expelling more strength to out power the other. "Wanda, stop this!" Vision screeched, "You have the power to stop this!"

"NO!" Suddenly, their combined powers blew the wall open. The structure of the castle stayed intact, but the wall they were fighting on imploded onto the cliffs on the outside. The rain was starting to pour into the halls. Vision was launched back, onto the cliffs during the blast, Wanda back near the fireplace. Morgan quite enjoyed what she saw and gave a hardy laugh "HO-HO-HO-O-O-O-O-A-A-A-A-HA-HA-HA-HA" she gleefully hollered as Wanda regained her footing. Wanda launched herself into the air, hurdling out to the cliffs where Vision laid moaning and groaning. He was trying to stand, when Wanda landed hard on the rocks, sending an energy force that knocked Vision back to the ground. To Vision, it was like whiplash as he fell back to the ground; quick and so sudden that he didn't have enough time to react. As a result, a section in the back of his head was damaged. Sparks started to flutter out, which worried Vision about how long he could keep up in the fight. He was dealing with the limitless power and abilities of Wanda, but it was a Wanda controlled by the unrelenting thinking of Morgan. What else could he do?

Wanda snapped her head up, her wet hair flipping with a splash. She looked to Vision, who was flat on his back and little sparks flared out from his head. Her face shows no sympathy for the ailing android as she stands above him. At this time, Vision tries to stand back up, but with no urgency.

"If you know what's good for you," she says, and Vision looks up. "Stay down!" Vision shifts to a kneeling position, "Wanda, if any part of the real you is still in there then I mustn't." Morgan, and therefore Wanda, growls, and another scarlet hex sends him back to the ground and away a few yards, his body fighting through the wind and rain. Battered even more, and now his mind stone flickering, Vision continued to get back up. "Why do you continue to get up?" Wanda said on her own. "You have nothing to gain; nothing to fight for."

"I'm fighting for you" Vision replies. "So that you may be spared more hardship." Morgan chuckles behind them, finding his reasoning childish. "Silly machine. You are her hardship. Isn't that right, Wanda?" Wanda furrowed her eyebrows, implying that she was still on Morgan's side. Vision groaned, "don't let her manipulate you, Wanda." Her eyes were practically steaming not in a scarlet hue. "I know you won't let her. You know why... because I can feel it." He tried to gently reach for her hands. Morgan found this new tactic curious and quite entertaining, and let it play out. "This stone," he gestured for the Mind Stone, "the same relic that granted both of us our abilities, the one thing that connects us, tells me that you have the power to break from Morgan's hold."

"You're wrong," Wanda said, pulling her hands away and lifting Vision into the air. "Morgan has given me everything I've ever wanted." Vision moaned and stuttered, and with as much effort as he could, he whispered, "But will you be happy?" A contemplative expression took over Wanda's face. Her scarlet eyes dimmed, back to her usual green eyes. Almost with a tragic look, she stared at Vision and said, "I can never be happy. Just when I start to get used to it, a chance of a life of happiness always seems to be taken from me, as well as someone I care about."

Where They Are: A Wanda Maximoff and Vision StoryWhere stories live. Discover now