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The night air was cold, like the biting cold you wouldn't like slipping into your sleeves. One could say it was one of the coldest nights in Upstate. Despite the chilling air, its appearance didn't sync well with that description. You would look at it forever and probably guess you were looking at a starlit summer night. And while there weren't many in the area to admire the sight, one android floated gracefully within its beauty.

Vision was just minding his own business in the peaceful skies, admiring the starlight and the never-ending backdrop of black night. His golden cape flapped fluidly with the jet-stream as his body remained motionless. He imagined himself feeling every detail of the experience. From the smell of the air, to the bitter cold rush of the wind. From the growing pressure of the altitude, to the humble feeling as he looked down upon the large world below him. Of course he could imagine it, his mind thinks almost like a super-computer. But the feeling of being in the moment, that was a little more tricky. He had no sense of taste or smell, or even a heart to make him feel humble. At times, the feeling left him un-whole, as if there was something about himself that he disgraced. In self-pity, he descended from the skies, and re-entered the Avengers Facility.

As he phased through the layers of steel beams of the structure, he hoped to find someone to talk with when he had reached each level. The facility was often empty, and ever since the division of the Avengers, it seemed lifeless and devoid of life. Tony was often out working on his new armors, enjoying the free time that the Accords now offered, and trying to reestablish his relationship with Pepper. Rhodey, or War Machine, was often in rehab, trying to feel comfortable in his new leg braces that were enabling him to walk. The thought of that left Vision alone and guilty. He never intended for anyone of his teammates to get hurt, especially at his own hand. The isolation brought strange thoughts to his artificial mind, and it troubled him deeply. Am I malfunctioning in some way? Am I evolving in ways I never anticipated? Is there a source to these new feelings and the consequences that come with them?

With every passing floor, Vision found no trace of human life. He already knew that would be the case, but just seeing it be true every time he entered a room or turned a corner just embraced the sad feelings that were building inside of him. He gracefully landed in the living room area, his lightly transparent figure solidifying just as his feet reached the floor. He closed his eyes while inhaling the room's chilly air, as if he was applying more weight to his circumstances. He held his breath, for a moment or two, before giving an exhausted exhale as he let his head drop in self-pity.

He slowly turned to walk through the corridors of the complex, checking to see if anyone was present. As he walked, he came to many familiar places. Rooms such as the training room and the jet hanger were among the many admirable sights that he often stopped to look at. He made his way past the kitchen and gracefully traced his fingers over the countertops and doors of the cabinets. Before finishing his little stroll, he made his way around to the team quarters, the bedrooms of each team members. He glanced into each one momentarily, but stopped a little longer at one of them that was the furthest down the corridor. After starring for some time, he gradually let himself inside.

He looked around the room, observing the little details that were scattered throughout. He noticed a few large candles spread around the room that could make enough light if they were ever used. A guitar was propped up against the wall with sheet music on a stand nearby. On a couple of desks, many pictures of children were posted on the walls and on bulletin boards. The children in each of the pictures seemed to be the same pair, one girl with brunette hair and sweet smile, and one boy with a smirking smile and curly black hair. Vision was starting to feel more lonely than he had been, that moment seemed to hit deep into his conscious. The overwhelming feeling brought him down, sitting on the double bed that vacated most of the room's space. He observed the room's surroundings once more from his position, and soon brought his hands to his face shading his eyes. Beneath his fingers, he closed his eyes gently, and whispered to himself "Wanda..."

It was at this moment that Vision had felt some form of loss. Not the type of loss where you lose something that was relatively temporary or irrelevant, but the feeling when you put your all into something, only to have that thing be taken away from you. He had a special bond with Wanda that no other Avenger could match. For a stretch of time, they were the two most powerful individuals on the team, and that power coincidentally came from the same source. This similarity gave each other a sense of identity to each other that eventually blossomed into a supportive friendship. However, this particular moment caused his feelings toward her to grow some, and find her to be maybe more than a teammate and friend.

In his sadness, he phased through the bed down to the floor below where he landed on the couch in the living space. He continued to shove his face into his hands from the overwhelming feeling of loss. Suddenly, a faint beeping sound caught his ear. It grew louder and louder with every second. His head shot up and swiveled around searching for its place of origin. He finally came to a digital display screen on one of the kitchen counters. There was a blinking red light that went from bright to dim every few seconds. A heading in white letters to the side of the red light was displayed and read "New Message." He hesitated for a moment, and cautiously tapped his finger against the counter where the red light was positioned. The display changed quickly to reveal a text thread with one solitary message that read "Hello Vision."

He was utterly surprised that this mysterious message was sent to him, out of anyone on the team. He started processing names he thought would contact him, but he was so caught off guard that almost every possibility seemed doubtful. In curiosity, he started to write up a response that asked who it was. He sent it, hoping that the messenger was available for his message at the moment. He contemplated the names once more, hoping that one would make sense. Maybe Mr. Stark is trying to get me used to texting? And Captain Rogers would not reach out under the circumstances. His thoughts continued until they were interrupted by the sound of a new message swooshing in. "A friend" it read, and Vision started questioning the implications of the statement. He was just about to start up another message, until the messenger sent a follow-up text, which again took Vision by surprise. "Can you meet me" it said tagged with a location.

A small shock came over Vision, this mystery messenger was asking for him to meet without even knowing who was conversing with him. He asked once more who it was, and anxiously waited for the response. He was starting to worry that he was getting into a situation that he and the Avengers did not need to be a part of. Could this be someone that was trying to sabotage the team and rip them apart again. The sound of an incoming message halted his thinking one last time as he read the last message.

"You'll know when you see me, I'm sorry" 


A/N- Chapter 3, finally. Sorry if I wasn't able to get it out on time, but I'm only a day late so I think that's pretty good. I'm starting to get an idea of where I want the smaller moments to go before we get to the bigger moments. But the story is still coming along and I can't wait to show you guys what's in store. 

I find it funny that each chapter I have written is setting up each of our 3 leads respectfully. First Morgan, then Wanda, now we have Vision. I hope you guys are enjoy what I'm writing and am looking forward to any feedback you can give me in the comments. 

Next update will hopefully be up next Wednesday, if my work schedule doesn't tire me out first. ALSO, more updates on the Spider-Man story I have been writing coming during the weekends.

Again, hope you all are enjoying the story. Until next time, BYE! 

Where They Are: A Wanda Maximoff and Vision StoryWhere stories live. Discover now