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Hours pass, and a brigade of military vans drive in line down the streets of London. Police vehicles take the lead, escorting the line-up through the busy streets. Overhead, Vision flies above the cavalcade to make sure the journey is not interrupted by Morgan or other criminals that would want to make any trouble. Thankfully, the ride was smooth and everyone arrived safely... physically at least.

Wanda rode in the center van, barred behind some electrical fencing on the inside. Large restrains were clamped over her hands and wrists, preventing her from using her powers. And given her circumstances, she was completely fine with not using them. They had caused herself enough emotional pain already, and not just in the recent hours. From the deaths she felt responsible for in Lagos, all the way back to aiding the genocidal robot Ultron in eliminating all human life, Wanda seemed to have her fill of traumatic life events. During the ride, she kept her eyes down, trying to avoid the staring eyes of the few soldiers assigned to keep an eye on her during the transport.

The convoy pulled into a parking garage along the river, Vison phasing through each level until he met the vans at their stopping point. They came to a halt, throwing Wanda's head forward as the containment fencing surrounding her powered down. The soldiers hopped out of the van, rounding to the side door to release their prisoner. Opening the door, Wanda begrudgingly stepped out, and waited for the agents to cuff her angles and elbows to chains in the case that she decided to run.

Vison watched her being cuffed, his electric muscles pulling his mouth into a small frown. After everything that had happened in the past week, this was where he felt the most regret. He wondered if things would have been better had he not acted on the message that she sent him. None of this would be happening if that was the case, but it did, and it is happening, and all because he, an android, developed enough emotion to feel lonely.

The agents walked Wanda past Vison and through two glass doors that led into a United Nations containment facility. The doors opened automatically as they approached, revealing a gruff image down the corridor. Wanda looked up and felt her mind stop at the sight in front of her. Behind her, Vision looked up to see the same figure she saw, earning a stressful sigh from whatever function Vision had to emulate human breathing behavior. The agents moved Wanda forward toward the gruff figure, Vision loosely following to meet him. When they reached the end of the hallway, they stopped as Secretary Ross observed his new company. He held a scornful look on Wanda for the most part, causing her to scrunch her face to an expression that was fueled by the many emotions in her mind.

"Take her away" he ordered the lead agent, and the convoy of agents escorted the young enhanced to her containment cell. As the gang of agents left the hall, Vision hesitantly stepped up to Ross, whom had been watching the ex-Avenger being taken away. Vison mockingly cleared his throat, trying to gain the attention of the former Army general.

"Well," Ross grumbled, "that could have been better."

Vision gulped a breath to who knows where, "We had unexpected company."

"No shit, many hours of planning and funding were almost wasted." Ross's militaristic tone was starting to show in his voice. Vision was a confused at why he was so upset. "Yes, but the goal was achieved. Ms. Maximoff is now under your care." Vision's started to feel a bit annoyed at how passive aggressive the former General was acting. "What I don't understand, Mr. Secretary of State, is why you're so upset about the whole thing?"

"Because our target and a Stone Age mistress caused thousands of dollars in property damages and countless fatalities" Ross grunted his words.

"A custom that I'm sure you're used to in your former line of work" Vision jabbed back, Ross stepping toward him defensively. Vision noticed and spoke quickly before Ross could say something back. "I mean no offence sir, but Ms. Maximoff didn't kill anybody. Not the civilians, not the agents, no one! I saw it with my own eyes."

Where They Are: A Wanda Maximoff and Vision StoryWhere stories live. Discover now