The Beacon of Safety

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Everything was haze, filled with flashing images shooting back and forth before they could be registered as memories. Some having a grim impact, others lighter than the rest. Still, it was a trippy dream to be having. The only thing to pull you out was the slightest bit of movement that you could muster with all the restriction against your own muscles. That is what it felt like for Wanda Maximoff while under the control of Morgan Le Fay.

Morgan had phased them back into the crypts and dungeons of the nearby castle, away from anymore harm. She made sure to keep a close vigil on her captive; knowing that she was capable of breaking free with the amount of power she possessed. She led the young Avenger to a large cell that faced perpendicular to the large fireplace that sat at center of the large hall. Once in the cell, Morgan conjured a transparent barrier on all sides of the cell to prevent Wanda from getting out. The barrier was secured, and Morgan released Wanda from her enchantment.

Wanda stumbled to her knees with the sudden release of her muscles, now returning back to her own control. She felt the hard, cold ground as she braced her fall and coughed a bit. Her muscles felt strange, like they had done a lot more than she remembered. It was as if her muscle memory didn't sync up with what her body was feeling. She staggered back to her feet, her eyes wandering around the dark space she was in. From what she could make out, she was in a barred, iron cell that was rusting as time ate away at it. The outside of the cell was completely dark, so she couldn't see anything. However, one side of the cell was completely open. She created bright display of her red energy to create some light as she walked out of the cell. However, a large spark ignited when she met the enchanted barrier keeping her inside.

Her eyes went wide in shock, figuring that Morgan had imprisoned her in the midst of controlling her. She grew the ball of energy dancing in her hands and fired it toward the barrier, only for it to rebound back into the cell where it struck on of the bars. The energy blast broke a piece of the bar off, but never broke the enchantment. Wanda looked to the broken bar in disappointment, now knowing she'd have to think of a new way out.

"Don't bother to break free" the malevolent mistress spoke, her voice echoing throughout the hall. Wanda turned to look past the open side of the cell, where the voice seemed to have originated. A feeling of foreboding creeping up her spine and into her mind as the echoing deceased. A large flame ignited in what appeared to be a large fireplace, with the fires of many lamps and torches lining the hall erupting along with it. Ever so gradually, the hall grew in fire light, allowing Wanda to see the poignant enchantress with the loose, emerald gown of silk. Wanda gulped, fearful of what purpose she served to the ancient witch. "Why am I here? What do you want with me?"

Morgan didn't respond, she just stared into the raging inferno of the fireplace. Admiring wild dance-like movements of each flame as it burned. "I need you, Wanda. Just like you need me."

"I told you. I don't need anyone."

"Is that right?" Morgan frowned quite vaguely in her intentions. "Well, then. I guess you'll have to spend the rest of your life stuck in that cell until the time is right." She conjured a lounge car where she could sit and rest to build her strength back up. She laid back nicely, relaxing into the cushioned seat with soothing hum.

Wanda just stood and watched, waiting for the moment where she could figure out a way out. She tried blowing the roof of the cell open, but the enchantment covered that too. She tried opening the floor beneath her feet, but again, the same enchantment contained her. It was truly a prison, filled with fire and an utter emptiness of pleasing sights. The only thing worth entertaining around her was the dancing flames in the fireplace. She was fixated with the way the oranges, reds, and yellows all flowed up to create this elegant, yet threatening, display of light and heat. No wonder Morgan could stare at it for hours.

Where They Are: A Wanda Maximoff and Vision Storyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن