Another Round

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Three days later, Vision had arrived at the location that was attached with the messages he had with this mystery person. He was feeling very uncomfortable under the circumstances. He had to practically beg Secretary Ross to let him have some time to himself for a while. Reluctantly, he was allowed only two days of leave. Rhodey would have to watch over the facility in Vision's absence.

As he ventured through the town, he disguised himself as a normal man, to blend in. He gave himself a blonde haircut that was combed in an upward direction that was complemented by his sharp jawline that made him look suave.

He travelled up and down the streets looking for someone familiar, just as the closing message suggested. He noticed the little pools of water in the cracks of the streets and sidewalks shining brightly in the late afternoon sunlight. He found the sight quite beautiful, admiring the simplicity of the little village in such a large town. One small house on the river, in particular, caught his attention. Its walls all rusted and the yard surrounding it was very well maintained. He continued to admire the house when a group of people came up to the picket fence gate at the beginning of a walkway to the front door. One young lady opened the gate and proceeded to walk up to knock on the door. He started to back away from the scene, letting some evergreens shadow him out of sight. Once hidden, he watched the union of friends continue. The door soon opened, and Vision thought for a second that he had a heart, because if he did, it would have skipped a beat. There, walking out of the house, in all her glory, was Wanda.

The whole world seemed to be non-existent for the moment, and Wanda was the only thing in focus. To Vision, her movement was slow and graceful as she walked up to the end of her lawn. Her every detail seemed to fill him with excitement and hope, but feeling bashful for being in the presence of the one individual that he greatly admired. He took a step forward, still being covered by the tree he was standing behind. He wanted to go up to her and engage her, but then he remembered that he was there under her terms, not his. He needed to find a way to engage her in a way that seemed natural in this setting.

Wanda greeted her friends, hugging and shaking their hands as she approached each of them. These people were mostly neighbors that she had gotten to know during her time there. They had all planned to go out for the night to have some fun. They walked in the opposite direction of Vision and discussed what was new and the little topics they shared interest in. Vision soon came up with an idea and slowly followed behind.

Now in a little tavern, the group of friends have seated themselves at a table to take on a couple of drinks. Once seated, Vision entered the building and made his way to a cushioned armchair near the fireplace. He picked up a small book, and acted like he was reading it. This was the only way he could blend in at a bar-scene because he couldn't consume anything. He kept his eyes on the small group of friends and noticed that they were all laughing and having a wonderful time. However, he focused on Wanda the most, and her smile left him lost in translation at times. Feeling the desire to talk to her, he thought this would be the perfect setting to make some kind of move to engage her.

After a half hour, the group of friends continued to sip down small drinks at their table, and Vision was fully aware of this detail. He then called over a tavern attendant and whispered a couple words into his ear. The attendant nodded in agreement with his proposition, and went to fetch a couple of drinks from the bartender. Vision's eyes quickly shifted back and forth between the attendant and the table of friends, becoming anxious about the outcome that would come out of his plan. The attendant was now making his way to the group of friends with a tray of drinks. He set each drink down in front of each of its consumers, and they soon became very confused at the events happening to them.

"What's this for" questioned a young man in the group. The attendant smiled and replied, "This round is from that gentleman by the fire" as he nodded his head in Vision's direction. The group was still questioning themselves as they turned their heads in the direction the attendant had pointed out. They searched throughout the space near the fireplace, until they spotted Vision, in human form staring back at them with a clever smirk on his face. He raised his hand to his forehead, giving them a lazy salute to confirm it was him.

The friends all smiled in relief of their confusion, and raised their free drinks in the air, toasting the friendly stranger. But Wanda seemed to look at him with more interest than the rest of them. She thought that his jawline was a bit too familiar, and his body figure matched with someone she knew. As she was conceptualizing her thoughts, she noticed that the strange gave her a deep look and followed with a quick wink of his left eye. She silently gasped, as a conclusion came to her mind, and that conclusion was confirmed when the stranger's forehead showed off a dimly lit yellow light. When she saw that, Wanda almost lost her breath at the sight of Vision in front of her, and she was very happy to see him. She then thought about what would happen next with them, and if he was alone. She didn't want her deal with Cap and Nat to end badly, and now that Vision was here, the risk was higher than it has been.

Minutes after he gave his little wink, Vision decided to take his leave from the tavern. He placed the book in his hand back where he had found it and started making his way over to the bar to pay for the drinks. He then approached Wanda's table and felt nervous that something would happen with her that could be embarrassing in front of her companions. He took in a large sigh and greeted the group.

"Is everyone enjoying the drinks" he asked thoughtfully, to which everyone nodded in great content. "Yes, thank you for that, we appreciate it" said one of the women sitting next to Wanda. Vision humbly shrugged his shoulders, "oh, it's not a problem." Wanda and Vision had now made eye contact and the both seemed lost for words, until Wanda found something to say.

"Would you like to join us" she kindly suggested, but Vision raised his hand in hesitation. "I would be honored, unfortunately I must be going" he said gratuitously. "I have plans with an old friend that has called me into town and they are expecting me soon." Wanda couldn't help but chuckle at his excuse for leaving, he practically confirmed that he was there for her. It was kind of cheesy, but she reminded herself of how relaxed she felt around him.

"I hope you all enjoy the rest of your night" Vision said generously waving to them as he walked away. The group waved back and thanked him one last time. Just before walking out the door, Vision paused to look back at Wanda, who was still watching him. She took a quick glance at her friends to make sure they weren't watching what she was about to do. Then, she displayed eight of her fingers to him, implying that she would like to meet up again at eight o'clock. Vision smiled, his excitement grew so fast he thought he might phase through the floor at any moment. He gave a gentle little nod to her in agreement, and left the tavern standing a little taller.

Wanda was shaken, feeling nervous and excited at the same. She now had a friend to talk with about her current situation. She then thought about how nice it was for him to come out to see her. Even if he didn't know that it was her calling, he still came. Why did he do it? Did he think it was for a mission? Did he speculate that it was me? What does he think of me? What does he think I think of him? Wanda's mind raced through many questions throughout the night, but the one thought that she kept returning to was, "he's here, and that's all that matters."


A/N-  Chapter 4, yes yes yes, he it is. I hope you enjoyed this one cause it took a lot of thinking to make this sequence work. It was truly difficult to find a way to get these two to interact after not seeing each other for a long time.

It's all good though, and I cant wait to put out another update for you. Comment your thoughts and vote if you like it. Until next time, BYE!!

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