Capable of Feeling

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Darkness. That's all that could be seen and felt in the body of a motionless android. The only other thing that could be felt was pain. But that's impossible, androids can't feel pain. Well, more like his circuits were damaged and some of his functions were limited. After a while, some functions come back and Vision was able to open his eyes again and remember where he was: miles away from Wanda, Morgan and the scene of destruction. He couldn't even believe that this level of carnage could be inflicted upon him. He had always been the most powerful player on any battlefield; never to be touched by the opposition. He mustered to pull himself together and levitate off the ground. He could only start by rising a few inches off the ground, so he started walking in the direction he hoped was the way. As he felt more confident walking, he quickened into a jog, then into a sprint. The faster he went, the more energy he built up. And sure enough, he soon started to rise higher and higher until he was able to fly like usual. And with his abilities restored, he flew back to the village to regroup with Ross and free Wanda from whatever trance Morgan La Fey had on her.

Vision arrived back at the village several minutes later, only to see the smoke and fire rising into the sky from all the damage. The sight of storm clouds looming nearby only adding to the disastrous scene. He does a sweep through some of the streets to see how the civilians are doing. Most appear to be fine, as they tend to or rush supplies to the casualties of the battle. He feels sorry that his mistakes must now result in many innocent people getting hurt. While he wasn't directly responsible for the destruction around him, it was his desire to be with Wanda that got him in this mess. Had he not messed things up, maybe Morgan may never have been awakened. So, in a way, this was his fault. He soon came to a clearing where Ross and the convoy of black armored vans were resting. As Vision descended to them, he noticed that most of the equipment had been packed up and were being stored away in the vans. Ross was standing with two other men, giving orders for their next directive.

Secretary Ross soon noticed Vision's body floating down, honestly shocked to see that he has survived such savagery. The colorful android lands softly on the grass only a few yards away from Ross and approaches him, while Ross looks him up and down to observe his physical condition.

"Well..." Ross said, "you've looked better." Vision didn't respond to that comment, he just went straight to his point.

"The Sorceress Le Fay has taken Ms. Maximoff."

"No kidding" Ross answered, rather gruffly. "I think it's safe to say that she did more than took her. It would seem from your scarring that Ms. Maximoff has now turned against us and is working with the witch."

"Turned against us?" Vision says in an appalling way. He couldn't understand why Ross would say such a thing. From what Vision had seen in battle, Wanda was fully in the fight with him, never going against him until the very end. And even then, Wanda didn't seem like her normal self. She is usually very expressive and affirmative when she uses her abilities in the way she did; full of personality. However, when she was holding Vision in the air to be slashed and beaten, she never flinched a muscle; like she was emotionless and machin-like. It was almost as if it was someone else had taken control over her soul and body, and therefore, her abilities. "What evidence do you have to support that? If you don't mind my asking, sir?"

"The marks and slashes on your body are a pretty good indicator" Ross explained, gesturing to the various points on Vision's body. "We also had a few eye-witnesses in view of the scene with body cams."

"That wasn't Wand- uh... Ms. Maximoff's doing!" Vision exclaimed. "Le Fay must have found a way to corrupt her and make her incapable of recognizing who she is fighting."

"Yeah, that's unlikely" Ross was quick to disagree. "I suspected that Maximoff would try to break free from our hands, and now that she has allied herself with that ancient wench, she has the power to evade us even further."

Where They Are: A Wanda Maximoff and Vision StoryWhere stories live. Discover now