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"The sorceress is loose in Tintagel" Ross shouts many times over the P.A. system, alerting the many soldiers to prepare for battle. They load up into a convoy of armored trucks, as they face the long road from London. A containment group was sent down to Level D6 to retrieve Wanda from her cell. They moved rapidly, almost a little too intimidating for the young enhanced. But she knew it was only their safety tactic, in the case something went wrong. Maybe that something could be her, but she forced that thought out of her mind and did exactly what they asked her. They cuffed her hands, ankles and elbows once more, and guided her to the large elevator that led to the garage of trucks.

Once the elevator reached the garage, Wanda noticed Ross and Vision standing to the side, awaiting her arrival. As she looked upon the two, she could see the two very different looks from them. Ross gave a scornful glare, obviously showing his displeasure in allowing her to operate so quickly after her arrest. Wanda gave him a second or two of her attention, until shifting to Vision when she couldn't stand Ross' authority-driven glare. Vision's eyes, however, were much more comforting, showing confidence that this was the right way to do things. Wanda could see it in his eyes, which in some way, was weird because he was a machine, an android.

The soldiers walked Wanda out of the elevator, briefly halting at Ross' hand being raised. He stepped through the line of men and stood right in front of Wanda, giving a slightly more intimidating look than he was already giving. Wanda kept her eyes straight ahead, trying hard to keep her focus and not lose control.

"This is a one-time chance, Ms. Maximoff" Ross said firmly. "If you so much as flicker a finger in the wrong direction, then all deals are off and it's back to the Raft." Wanda turned her head to face him, showing that she understood what he was saying without nodding and verbally replying. "Are you done threatening her?" Vision's voice softly spoke behind them. A look of annoyance followed on Ross' face as he motioned for two guards to release her restraints. Wanda rubbed her hands over the marks left by the cuffs on her wrists, nursing them to a less annoying feeling. Vision stepped closer, trying to comfort her. He stood at her side as they watched Ross excuse himself from the group and board one of the vans.

"Are you alright?" Vision asked, still watching Ross. Wanda shifted her eyes to him briefly, before refocusing on Ross.

"No, but what choice do I have" she answered.

Within a few more minutes, they had loaded all the soldiers and weapons into the vans. And with a screeching whistle, the cavalcade moved out. The journey took some time, unfortunately allowing Morgan to cause a lot of damage. Some local forces were able to follow her movements and document her activity. Though it was dangerous, they were able to survive the devastation, while also locating where she took up rest within the town.

As the line of vans reached the outskirts of the town, Wanda, Vision and Ross all had a small meeting in the largest van.

"The sorceress has no target" he stated. "If we need to rain hell upon her, we do it! No second guessing!" Vision and Wanda glared expectantly, waiting to hear the rest of the battle plan along with a few high-ranking military personnel.

"Vision, you'll engage first. Wait for my men to be in position before you do."

"Understood, sir" Vision nodded. He wasn't surprised that he would be the first one sent in to deal with Morgan, as he was the one to suggest that they pursue her. And he wasn't going to use Wanda so soon.

"If things get hairy" Ross continued, "our firing squad will move in. Creating a distraction for Ms. Maximoff to get close."

Wanda gulped a bit, a nervous about the whole thing. "And what is it you would like me to do once I get close enough?"

Where They Are: A Wanda Maximoff and Vision StoryWhere stories live. Discover now