New Experiences

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It is morning, and Wanda slowly started to rise. Her eyes flutter gracefully and are soon familiarizing herself with the room she slept in over the night. She yawns, content with her rest, only to feel concerned when she looked over the side of the room. A chair lay vacant against the wall, where she remembered a certain android resting coldly. She burst up and looked around the room, hoping to find her teammate, but she couldn't. "Vis!?" she called out for him, getting more worried by the minute that he had left her. "Vision?!" She tossed the sheets over and leaped out of the bed. She bent over to slip on some socks before she ventured into the house to search for him. However, a figure rose up silently through the floor behind her. "I'm here," the figure said, lightly startling the frantic young woman.

She swung her head around so fast that Vision mistook her for being frightened. To a point, she was, but seeing and hearing Vision acting normal again was enough to ease her worries. "My, God!" she shrieked, "don't do that." Vision looked a bit hurt after that. He didn't mean to scare Wanda like that, but he understood why not being where he was last night would have made her worried. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to..."

"Where were you, anyway?" she cut him off. He phased through the floor slowly and asked her to meet him downstairs. Wanda frustratedly huffed, as she was not able to quickly go through the floors as he could, but she was still curious and went with haste downstairs to join him. She didn't know what to expect when made it to the bottom. Vision wasn't particularly a planner, so to speak, but he did always have a way of surprising people. Perhaps it was because he was simply an android that had the ability to appeal to human behavior and interest.

She reached the first floor and looked around. She called out his name, to which he answered her from the kitchen area. She raced over, only to find Vision pouring a glass of coffee into a plain mug. Steam hovered over the beverage, beckoning anyone with a dying thirst to take a sip. Wanda was indeed astonished at what he had done, but she also feared what the drink would taste like. For she knew Vision didn't have the ability to smell or taste anything. Particularly because he was unable to digest anything. His last attempt of making something for her didn't exactly go the way he had hoped with his surprise paprikash dish.

"V- Vision...!" she said, trying not to make him feel sad for his efforts. "What is this?"

"This is what you would call coffee, my fellow teammate" he answered. "Brewed nice and hot from this vintage pot and filter, with the flavor of a gentle dark roast." He said it with such grace that it almost sounded poetic, but Wanda couldn't help chuckling from how silly it all was. Vision noticed, "Is something funny?" Wanda's chuckle turned to a giggle as she explained. "No, it's just, I don't think I've ever heard someone refer to a dark roast as gentle before." Vision's shoulders dropped as if he were reflecting on his word choice in describing the coffee. "Also," she added, "you seemed to be having fun with your presentation."

"Well, yes" he answered, "I thought it was very fun." He handed the mug to her and she hesitantly took a sip. The taste was bitter, as coffee should be, but it was a hard type of bitter. One that made you want to send your tongue in all directions of your mouth to rid yourself of the taste. Wanda gulped the drink, as opposed to spitting it back into the mug, saving Vision from a very displeasing evaluation of his brewing talents. "Well?" he asked expectantly.

"It's... tolerable... "she responded, to which he frowned. "You don't like it?"

"I didn't say that! I said that it's tolerable." She was trying to think of the best way to not hurt his feelings. "Also, I'm not that much of a dark roast drinker."

"Then what do you drink?" he asked. "I'm not sure..." she said, trying to seem like she wasn't a coffee drinker. They both stood silent, wondering how this conversation might go. Then Wanda had an idea, one that could potentially make their situation a bit brighter. Not just this coffee dilemma, but the entire hiding out together.

Where They Are: A Wanda Maximoff and Vision StoryWhere stories live. Discover now