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The halls seemed to get longer and longer as Vision took the long walk to Wanda's holding cell. He descended many flights of stairs and turned countless corners, almost feeling he was a lab mouse going through a maze. He made it to floor D6, "Top Security Containment," where Ross said they were keeping her. Vision didn't like the walk down at all. Sure, he could have phased down through all the ceilings, but that would have given him less time to think about what he was going to say to Wanda.

In the simplest terms, all he needed to say was, "I need you to agree to help me take down this Morgan Le Fey witch, and in return, we will allow you to serve under house arrest." Simple as that. However, given how much he had done to her in the past couple hours, as well as her desire not to speak to Vision, made the whole idea of discussing a plea deal was more complicated than Vision had initially thought.

He arrived at the door that led to the observation room for her holding cell. He walked normally up to the door, preparing to phase through, but then thought that Wanda's suggestion of using a door would be a good start to making things right. He reached for the doorknob, thinking it was the strangest thing in the world, and opened to find a dark room with nothing but a table and two chairs in the center. He walked in and saw that there was a large window on the left side of the room, and on the other side of the window was a room lined with sheets of metal and poly-fiber. It gave a grayish-white color through the two-way window, making the light in the interrogation room seem dark and murky.

Wanda sat in the center on a piece of the wall that had been made to act as a place to sit. One of the first things Vision noticed was the expression on her face for wearing the uncomfortable restraint vest again. He could tell that she was annoyed for having to wait out her time strapped together in such an inhumane device. Her cell jumpsuit was orange this time around, almost matching the glowing auburn in her long hair. She laid her back against the wall, just getting used to all the time she was going to be wasting in her cell, waiting for whatever future was in store once she had served her time.

Vision felt some strange feeling in his chest upon looking at her state, and it occurred to him that he had never felt this feeling before. His mind was capable of knowing what every human emotion and feeling meant, but he couldn't quite explain what he was feeling. Is it anger? Is it sadness? Is it a combination of both? Perhaps, most likely, he had just discovered what it feels like to regret.

"You know I can read you..." Wanda's voice softly sounded from the other side of the glass. Vision's head shot up at the sound of her. "Why hide behind walls, when you can simply look me in the eyes" she whispered, as if it was meant to be heard by spirits. Vision felt her words sting his artificial cortex, understanding that he was still being the shy creeper he had always been around her. He sighed heavily and walked forward through the wall to face Wanda.     

He kept his eyes low, still unsure of how he was going to convince her to accept the plea deal. He stopped just a few inches in front of the wall, the cool air of the cell shivering up his synthetic skin, making him feel more exposed than he already felt. When he finally dared to look up at her and see the irritated yet sad look in her eyes, he couldn't fight the urge to look back down.

"I don't mean to stare" Vision said sincerely. At this point he was just content with just having a simple conversation with her, one that didn't involve him being the target of verbal abuse. "I just... I couldn't think of the right thing to say."

Wanda didn't react initially, assuming that he was going to have a hard time formulating the right words to keep this interaction neutral, and the two just stayed in silence for a few moments.

"How's your leg?" Vision finally said.

"It's alright" she replied, rather solemnly. "I think it was just the initial pain before."

Where They Are: A Wanda Maximoff and Vision Storyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن