Checking Out & In

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Now in present day Southampton of the United Kingdom, we come upon a small house on the River Test. The house rusted as small pieces of its brick walls fell as the its years withered by. The lawn was lush green and finely trimmed. Its appearance seemed so well maintained you would almost think that it was artificial. You would have to give credit to the house owner for the work they must do to keep the house so presentable. What probably made it even more admirable, was the gradual incline down to the river's edge. It was like having a personal beach, only less messy and much more manageable. Surrounding the house was a white picket fence that went along in a convex-like pattern as it wrapped around the open and bushed areas of the yard.

In the front window, a young woman was watering her display of red and black carnations. The wind seemingly lifting her auburn hair off her shoulders. Her movement was graceful, and yet precise, as she tended to her beautiful plants. This was former Avenger turned fugitive, Wanda Maximoff. She finished managing her flowers, as a small smile grew on her soft face. Admiring her house and the plant-life around it seemed to calm her. She couldn't really explain why, but she felt less stressed whenever she did. She now tries to live a normal life alone, which at times can be overwhelming from the lack of interaction in her living environment. She was kind of used to it now. For the longest time, she only ever had her twin brother, Pietro, as company before she became an enhanced individual. And after joining the Avengers, she resided with her teammates at their own facility. But with only five or six people vacating such a large area, the halls and corridors always seemed empty. It did become quite lonesome at times, but she always enjoyed any small moment with her fellow Avengers.

She constantly thought back to the memories of the training she had done with Natasha Romanoff, AKA the Black Widow, and Steve Rogers, the hero formally known as Captain America. She had a really positive bond with the two, with Natasha acting as an older sister figure, and Steve acting as a caring mentor. Other than the training, she especially thought back to the time she last laid eyes upon them.

It was only a couple of days after Wanda had been freed by Steve at the Raft Prison. She still had an uncomfortable feeling that something was around her neck. The device they had put on her was quite unpleasing. It kept her brain fuzzy and misdirected. The inmate slacks she wore didn't help either, as it restrained her hands and arms in a crossed position against her stomach. She did feel much relief when these tools of subduction had been removed. She at times had minor cramps and strains in her arms from being in such an uncomfortable position.

Along with Sam Wilson (Falcon), Scott Lang (Ant-Man), and Clint Barton (Hawkeye), she went with Steve who was aided by Natasha, who had sought out Steve after her falling out with Tony Stark and for helping Steve and his friend Bucky escape the battle at Leipziq Airport. The allies escaped on the quinjet they had used to escape the airport, and made headwind for the nearest mass of land. From there, everyone seemed to go their separate paths. Clint and Scott both wanted to be with their families, and Steve wanted to continue the good fight. Sam, being the very loyal friend that he is, did not hesitate to join him. Natasha had voiced her desire to join them as well, but Steve wasn't so sure about it. He knew that Clint and Scott would have people waiting for them upon their return, Natasha and Sam would be in good company with him, but where would Wanda go?

In Steve's mind, Wanda was a very capable person when it came to self-defense, but she was still a young kid that had anxiety about how others viewed her and what her powers would unleash. He didn't want to put her in a position where she would be isolated from those that supported her the most. "I'll be fine Cap" she confided in her teammate and mentor, "I think this will give me a chance to grow some." Steve was unsure in this decision, until Clint broke into the discussion. "I don't think it's a bad idea" he suggested, "I think of it's like sending your kid to college." Clint had a very special relationship with Wanda, almost like a surrogate brother type of bond. After her brother had sacrificed himself to save him and a young boy from Ultron's fury. From that point, he always had her back, and Wanda seemed to reciprocate the same feeling to him. "I think it would give her a chance to be herself for once," he continued, giving his blessing "and search for that place she would like to be." Wanda felt grateful that Clint was willing to let her make her own choices, and let her learn for herself what life was like on her own. Steve, hesitated for a moment, exchanging glances between the two and with Natasha. She tilted her head toward him in a half-hearted nod, agreeing with the honorable intention. He clasped his lips, then turned to Wanda. In a large sigh, he agreed, "only if you have a way of contacting us whenever you need back-up." She sternly nodded in agreement, feeling the weight of this new responsibility being thrown on her all at once.

It had been almost nine months since the decision was made. She continuously toys with the flip-phone Steve had given her, playing around with it the way a cat would jab at a ball of yarn. Every week or so since, she would update Steve or Natasha on what she had been up to. Feeling she was gaining confidence, the weekly check-ins turned in to two-week check-ins, which gradually turned into once a month. She did enjoy chatting with her teammates whenever they called, or if she decided to call them for personal anxiety. It was one of the things apart from maintaining her yard and flowers that kept her calm.

Along with playing around with the phone, she often scrolled through the small contact list that was offered when they had purchased the device. Because they couldn't sign-up for some data deal or some insurance, it was only allowed to have four contacts. Steve made sure that the first two contacts that were put in were to him and Natasha, as they would need to keep the closest to her the most. She suggested that Clint would be her third contact, as she enjoyed conversing with him, and she would get to know his family more over the phone.

As for the final contact, she kept that one empty for the longest time. She thought about having Sam or Scott be the contact, but thought both were unnecessary. She knew that Sam would constantly be with Steve and Natasha, so she already had two unofficial forms of communication with him. As for Scott, she didn't quite know him that well, as she had only just met him before they were caught. The last contact just sat completely blank for nine months. She sat there, pondering at the thought once more as she toyed with the device.

She had a thought in mind, but was quick to hesitate upon comprehending it. She knew that the potential contact could mess up everything that her and her allies had worked so hard for if she ever put it to use. However, she felt herself fighting against her own thoughts, as she became lightheaded with small memories of her not too distant past. In the moment, she had been happy, before returning to the thought of how it could be a totally disaster. She contemplated for almost a half-hour, and came to a painful decision. Scrunching her eyes shut and tightening her lips, her fingers fell upon the keys of the phone typing the contact I.D. Every click of the buttons feeling like a heavy heartbeat surging through her body. When she had finished typing, she opened her eyes and took a small gasp for air, stressing over the name she had entered, . . .



A/N: Here is the first official chapter of the Scarlet Witch and Vision story. It took me a while to conceptualize the reason for Wanda being where she is, but I like where its at, and where it could potentially go. Anyway, hope you enjoy, trying to get next chapter up in a week. Be sure to share your thoughts in  the comments. 

side-note: I started a Peter Parker/Michelle Jones story as well. The next chapter of that will be posted on Sunday. If your interested, please check it out and share your thoughts.   

Where They Are: A Wanda Maximoff and Vision StoryWhere stories live. Discover now