No More Games

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Wanda constricted Morgan's wrists tightly with her reddish magic, making her more anxious to break free. She held on as long and hard as she could, allowing Vision to fight off the demon-like creatures and protect the civilian hostages. In every pulse of magic she sent toward the evil witch, she could feel an opposing pulse fight back, making the struggle growing more even than when she initially ensnared her opponent. This didn't come as a shock to Wanda, as she had been holding her for just over a minute. She knew from her briefings that Morgan was a quick learner and that she would find a way to cast herself free from Wanda's hexes.

"Vis" she grunted, "anytime now would be great."

Vision was trying to lure a giant beast away from a fleeing crowd. This beast was a tad nimbler than the other large creatures conjured by Morgan. Thereby, making it a lot harder for Vision to strike a blow hard enough to weaken it.

"I'm working on it, but this foul beast keeps coming."

Wanda groaned to herself, trying to find a way for Vision to help her before Morgan could get the best of her. She could see Vision dodging and phasing past every swipe and every fist a few blocks away. She also noticed how determined the beast was to strike him. At this, she had an idea. "Lead it this way!"

"Why?" he questioned, spinning and dodging another swipe.

"I have an idea, just get it to follow you." Vision groaned but decided to do as she asked. Phasing through another punch, he flew straight toward Wanda and Morgan. He turned his head to see if the creature was giving chase, which thankfully it was. The ground shook rapidly with every step it took, increasing the level of curiosity in Wanda's plan successfully working.

Wanda shifted her attention between her entangled hostage and Vision as he led the monstrous beast closer. The closer it got, the closer Morgan seemed to gain more control of her bindings. Wanda began to groan from holding her for such a lengthy time. She hoped that she could hold on longer, because if she didn't, Morgan would have a good opportunity to swing the momentum to her side.

"Okay... " she gasped in exhaustion, "blast her from behind." Vision took the cue and enlightened the Mind Stone in his head. Clenching his jaw and scrunching his eyes, he fired a blast to where Morgan was held in the air.

Wanda could feel her grip loosening as the beam zoomed through the air. Morgan's arms were able to wiggle out of her restraints, showing her progress to liberation. Just when it seemed like Wanda was going to lose her, Vision's energy beam struck Morgan right between the shoulder blades. Striking her so fiercely, Wanda released her hold so the blast could take care of the evil witch.

The blast carried Morgan a long distance away from the carnage she had reaped. Her back burned at the searing heat of the yellow beam, making her mourn in her pain. Her shrieks of pain were only brought to sudden halt when the blast ran her body into the brick wall of one of the nearby buildings. The shock that flooded her face from the impact caused her brain to throb as she plopped down to the ground.

As soon as Wanda knew she was disabled, she turned her attention back to the charging monster trailing Vision. She could see Vision still flying in her direction, quickly closing the distance between them. The beast was also gaining on Vision, which meant that she needed to act fast before the beast could strike her. She danced her arms out in front of her body, flexing her hexes in a vibrant display as they radiated off her fingers. Vision came up to her and turned to protect her.

The monster roared loudly as it brought it's arm down to slam the two super-people, when Wanda flew her arms up in a halting fashion. Within seconds, the monster's arm froze in a scarlet haze that grew from its arm and around the rest of its body. The creature flinched and wiggled, trying to break free of this strange force acting against it. Vision watched on as Wanda rose her right hand higher into the air, making the beast rise off the ground. She breathed heavily, as she still had trouble holding such large and heavy objects, but she held the beast as long as she could. She turned her head back to Morgan, who was stumbling back to her feet and shaking off the shock and pain of being simmered and smacked into a wall. Wanda knew she couldn't be allowed to be loose again, so she conformed her arms into a launching position and threw the creature in her direction.

Where They Are: A Wanda Maximoff and Vision StoryWhere stories live. Discover now