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The rest of the night went as planned for Wanda and her friends. They went to an amateur band performance in a small theater, and walked through the park. She really enjoyed herself and was constantly thinking when they would be able to do it again. She did like the company, but was a bit timid at the thought of them finding out who she was. She wondered what they would think of her. Would they be afraid of her and her abilities? She really didn't want to lose anyone she got close to again. And with Vision's arrival, the probability of her secret getting out got higher, and she realized that she now had to be extra careful.

Her friends walked her back to the house, and she kind of didn't want to go. She hugged each one of them goodbye as if she wasn't going to see them for a long time. Once she let go, she asked them, "Do you think we could do this again?" Their answer was a heart-warming yes, and they were all happy that she enjoyed the evening with them. With a bright smile across her face, she turned to open her gate and walked up to her front door.  She turned back to see them all waving at her, and Wanda smiled as she waved back, entering through her doorway.

She walked through her home and started to fix herself a pot of tea. As she was setting the pot on the stove, she noticed the time was 7:55 and quickly remembered that Vision would be meeting her soon. The feeling of nervous crept over her as she wondered if he knew where she was, what they would talk about, and whether she should change her clothes. Then she looked around her house, and saw what seemed like a disordered mess of a house. To be honest, it was only a couple of papers piled on top of each other out of order and a couple coffee mugs scattered in different rooms. It was nowhere near a mess, she only needed to make things look nice.

She quickly set to her small chore, organizing the papers first, which took seconds. She followed it up with picking up the coffee mugs and taking them to the sink to be watched. She did it with such haste that she didn't notice one that was sitting on her living room center table. She continued to pick up the remaining mugs and brought them to the sink. She started the faucet and went back to grab what she thought was more. She found each room to be completely fine and made her way to the living room once more. She knew that there was one last mug she was forgetting and that it would most likely be in there. She turned around to finding it right in-front of her with some finger wrapped around the handle. "Oh, thank you" she said as she rushed back to the sink. Then she halted at the thought of fingers gasping the handle. She realized that someone had been standing behind her handing the mug to her. She turned around slowly to find Vision wearing a sweater and black pants.

Vision hesitated for a moment, thinking of the best thing to say. "Sorry for not announcing myself, but I thought you were expecting me, so..." he said in his gentle voice. Wanda traced her fingers around the cup in thought, trying place herself into the situation. "N-No, its fine, just something a bit more subtle would be nicer."

"Well I thought it was rather clever" Vision quipped back, and she could help but smile.

"It's good to see you Vis."

"You as well Wanda" he replied.

Wanda led him to the couch so they could talk more comfortably. She sat down on the far end while Vision sat on the other end. Vision almost felt like he was phasing through it due to its springiness, as he slowly sank into the cushions.

"How have you been" she curiously asked.

Vision was quick to consider how to describe his daily routine back at the facility. It truly was uneventful and lonesome. "I've been the best I can be, under the circumstances."

"I'm sorry to hear that, I'm sure that you're longing for something to do."

"Since Leipzig, the Avengers haven't been as active as they would like to be" he continued, "Mr. Stark and Colonel Rhodes have been quite busy as well with other things."

Where They Are: A Wanda Maximoff and Vision StoryWhere stories live. Discover now