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We finally arrived in Kentucky. We were really tired so, we slept. The next day, I remembered how I found Sophie. SNAPCHAT! Sadly, Piper turned off her location. I don't know why she did that though. Anyway, we started looking at places like Starbucks or Dunkin' Doughnuts which were places we all loved going to in L.A. I called her later that day but didn't tell her about the trip obviously. I tried to get clues but it was no use.

"Why don't we just give up and go home?" asked Corine

"Cause we're not quitters! We have to find her" I answered.

Thats when I remembered all our memories together and how much fun we all had. Then, thats when it hit me! It was our 1 year anniversary of being a couple. I hadn't gotten her anything. But she'd be happy to see us. We kept looking and eventually called it a night around 7pm. Everyone except Claire,Sophie and Corine and obviously me didn't go back to the hotel. We quickly ate up our dinner and continued looking.

We came across a house that had a giant garden in a big house. We knocked on the door and a tall man answered. He wore a yellow shirt with blue jeans. He looked a little like Piper which got my hopes up!


I heard the door bell and heard my dad open the door. I heard 4 familiar voices talking. It sounded like one of them was Gavin. I knew it was him! But what was he doing here? I heard him saying my name! Was he looking for me? I tried calling out because my dad locked my door. But it was no use. He couldn't hear me and I couldn't open the door.

Then, I heard him leaving. That was my one chance to go back home! I shouldn't have gone against my mom I feel terrible right now. I got a text from Gavin saying,:

"I know where u r open ur wndw."

I opened my window and saw him. he was all dressed up in a suit and tie with Sophie and Claire beside him.

"Can Piper and I talk in Private?" Sophie asked

Gavin and Claire agreed and left.

"Sophie, even though you left the PIPERAZZI, you're still my Best Friend and you always will be!"


We shared a hug.

"Oh and! Here's a dress for tonight! You'll need it!"

I took the dress and Gavin came in my room. Sophie left us alone.

"Hey, we haven't seen each other in a while!" Gavin started

"Yea! I'm sorry for leaving" i spoke

"It's all right! Now, I have a surprise!" said Gavin


I took Piper to a Steak Restaurant. Just the two of us for our 1st anniversary. After dinner, we sat on blankets at a park and talked.

"Piper, I love you soo, soo much! And this long distance has been hard!" I started a CONVO

"I know!" She replied

"Will you come back to L.A?" I asked

"Yes! I will!"

We hugged. And had our first kiss together.

The next day, everyone came to my hotel room and had a blast with Piper! She said goodbye to her dad that evening after explaining everything and we were on a flight back to L.A!


That morning, we arrived back in L.A! We hugged our parents as they met us and I think I hugged my mom the hardest. We had a big brunch to celebrate my return with some Starbucks. All the memories from last year started coming back! When Gavin and I got back together, when Indi and Walker broke up, and even when the Goat Fam Split up!

Those were hard. But I knew we could all get over with this because we were the PAVIN squad. We were ready to start a new beginning....

**AUTHORS NOTE: It's really sad that I have to end this series. I enjoyed writing it. Please tell me if you want a part 2 or another PISOGAV Fan Fiction. And if you have any ideas, please let me know ! Byee for now!****

Hannah Marie Ella

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