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I finished filming our Familia Diamond intro and texted all my firends. We had just made our own squad a week ago. I was happy to have a new beginning in a squad. I'm a drama free person and I don't like including myself in those stuff. I took Italy out for a walk around the neighborhood one more time to see if we could find March. I'd never loose hope because we know we will find him one day. We've been getting a lot of clues form people and their really helping.
Hayley,Coco and I had a sleepover that night.
"Txunamy, Truth or Dare?"Hayley asked.
"I dare you to text the last boy on your contacts and yell them you like them."
I was really nervous because the last boy on my contacts was Walker. Walker Bryant.
I took my phone out and started texting.
"Hey Walker" I texted.
He replied in a few seconds
"Hey Txu."
"I have to tell you that I like you. And I've liked you for some time now."
"Oh. Ummm. First of all I'm with Indi right now. And second, I don't really feel the same way."
"Oh thank God because it was a dare."

I FaceTimed him soo he could see the other girls. We talked a little and continued our game.
"Coco, Truth or Dare?"
"I dare you to FaceTime Gavin and tell him you still have feelings, and you want to get back together again."
She took her phone and FaceTimed him. They were still best friends since the break up. So, it wouldn't be awkward.
"Hey Gavin how are you?"
" I'm good! Piper here too. "
"This is gonna be soo good" I thought.
"I still have feelings for you and I want us to get back together."
There was silence but Gavin and Piper were whispering.
"Listen Coco, I obviously will still have feelings for both of you. But, Piper and I are still dating."
"Ok, it was a dare anyway."

We all laughed it out. And continued our game.
"Hayley, Truth or Dare?"
"Because everyone choose Dare, I'll choose it."
"I dare you to tell everyone on you contacts that you have a boyfriend,"
She picked up her phone and did it.
"Now my mom's asking who."
Most people asked if she was too young. Her sister was a little confused.
She called everyone one by one and told them about the Dare.
We decided to tell scary stories next.
"Once upon a time" I started "There lived a house. It was beautiful in the day time but creepy at night. There was one particular room on the second floor to the right. There were always loud creaking noises at the door. Legend says it creaks for the rest of the night and never ever stops."
"Does anyone else hear a creaking noise?" Coco asked looking at us.
Wait. What room where we in anyway.
"OMGGG were on the second on the right."

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