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Today was a pretty normal day. I went for my voice lessons, did school and hung out with my brother. I'm not part of a squad anymore. I feel soon free. It was a really toxic friend group. I still keep in touch with a few people after Nicollet's Christmas party. I don't really have a crush or a boyfriend. I have myself and thats all that matters now. I got a text from Coco who's now a good friend of mine to meet her at Starbucks. We're both not in a squad and want to start a new life. I went straight to Starbucks after dinner.
"Hi Coco. It's been a while." I said as I hugged her.
She started to cry and I honestly don't know why.
"I still can't believe Gavin cheated on me." She said sobbing.
I consoled her and told her everything would be ok. We decided to have a sleepover that night to have some girl time together. We made Tik Toks, Instagram stories and YouTube vids. She left the next day feeling great. I'm happy I made her smile.

It was almost new years eve. I invited the three squads to have a countdown party with me. It was fun to see us co,etc together in Harmony. Our parents still didn't know about our hangouts. All the parents except the parents from the Goat fam, me and Coco. It was obviously really hard to lie to your parents. We counted down to midnight and wished each other a happy new year. It was great to have a group of friends who will be there whenever you may need them. I love all my friends the same and have always wished them the best. It's soo nice how the year passed soo fast.
We decided to play never have I ever after that.
"Ok. Me first. Coco said. Never have I ever cheated on my ex." She said looking straight at Gavin.
Gavin obviously put a finger down.
He got mad and said. "Well, never have I ever been jealous of my ex and his new girlfriend."
"Never have I ever kissed a girl during a relationship with someone else."
"Never have I ever...
"Stop it both of you." Piper shouted. Let's just go home it's getting late."
The new year had started with the same old fight. How hard is it to get over a break up?

That night, my dad surprised us with some news. We were going to Paris for a while to visit family. At first, I was excited but then, I realised I'd be leaving my friends. My best friends. I texted them and they were all super sad. I promised to call them every day. I didn't know how long I'd be staying with was the sad part.
It was two days to the day I had to leave. I cried the whole night thinking of my friends. That morning, my friends thrwpew me a leaving party. We shared a lot of hugs before I left. When I got out the airport, I waved goodbye to L.A one last time and went into the plane. The next time I'd be back, would be at least over a month.

PAVIN SQUADМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя