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I went to Gavin's house for a fun challenge. We were going to do it with Stephan Benz. He's literally my celeb crush. He's from South Africa. When we did the challenge, he admitted that he had a crush on someone in the room. It was either me or Nicollet. I knew Nicollet wasn't crazy about him like me. We had a fun time and he came up to me. He said he really enjoyed the time and asked me out on a double date. With Piper and Gavin. It was honestly my first date and I needed help from Piper. She helped me out and we went to the restaurant together. We met our dates and gave each other a hug. OMGGG. I was hugging Stephan Benz. We ordered our food and chatted. I ordered a vegetarian burger since I'm vegetarian. Stephan ordered mashed potatoes and steak. Gavin ordered Paella which is a Spanish dish and Piper ordered the same. I guess they had a lot of things in common.
"So," I said awkwardly. " When did you start making music? ".
"Oh. About a few years ago. I honestly loved to sing."
"Oh ok. Was your first language English?"
"No it was one of the South African languages 'Africaans'."
"You make it sound so easy to pronounce."
We talked for the rest of ft he night, shared selfies and went home.

The next day, Stephanie sent me text saying he was crushing on me. I sent him one back and said I was too. I also told him we should just take things slow for now and he agreed.
I did school and video chatted Clementine. She told me about life in Paris and how different it is from the U.S. We played Fortnight together and said our goodbyes. I told her about Stephan and she was super happy for me. I went by to Corine a little after lunch to tell her about Stephan. She was really happy for me. It wasn't long before we made it official. We didn't have a ship an me but that didn't really matter. We made a lot of videos together and I managed to make him write a song about me. It was hilarious. We went on two more dates for the whole of February. We had a great relationship.

Most fans kept saying I was lucky to have a a boyfriend like him. It was really wierd how a lot of tires were also crushing on him too. I kind of got a little jealous to be honest. It was like he would leave me for them or something like that. I just brushed it off and continued on with my life.
The next day, after I did school, I got into my mom's car as she Aastra getting us omega dinner. Someone somehow unlocked the car door and got in I have no idea who it was. But, they just left a note and diappeared. The not said "Stephan is mine so, backoff." Who would do that? I looked at the note and looked back at the opened door. That was soo creepy. I picked up my phone and called Stephan.

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