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It's been a while since Gavin and I broke up. It's been hard since my mom has a medical condition. She used to jump out of cars and yell cus words at strangers. Theres alwyas a voice inside telling me that I'm not supposed to be here and it's too dangerous. We lost our apartment a few days ago too which has been extremely hard. We thankfully moved into a new house in a different environment. My best friend Sophie and her mom have been struggling financially. My mom and I are thinking of inviting them to stay at our place. I met two new guys named Walker and Lev. I also have a crush on both of them. My viewers keep asking me to choose one but I can't. I love them both. Sophie has a big crush on another guy named Jentzen. But, trust me, they are cute.
I met up with Sophie and decided to give her the big news.

"Hey Sophie! I wanted to tell you something that will make you really happy. I started."
We hugged and she asked
"What is it? she asked really eager.
"How would you like to stay with us? There could be a room for you and another for your mom."
Tears started rolling down her cheeks. She always shared a room with her mom in a one bedroom apartment. Her dad was always in Texas which was soon far away from L.A.
We shared a hug happily. That's when the memories of when we met flashed back into my head. The first time we met was onset for the Brat TV webseries "MANI". We instantly became friends and have been ever since.

When I got home, I made a YouTube video, posted on Instagram and had dinner. This would be the last dinner I have with my mom before Sophie and her mom moved in. We talked about social media and funny things happening around the world. Before bed, I checked my phone. There was one thing I always did before bed. Reading the last text Gavin sent me before we broke up. I love my mom and all but, she made me post all those crush stuff. I finally decided to reply to the text. I explained that she was mental and, if there's anything I could do, I would get back together with him. But, we had already fallen in love with other people.

When I got back home form Starbucks the next day, I met a really nice girl named Jenna Davis. I remember meeting her onset of Chicken Girls because I appeared in it once. We talked a lot and I decided to invite her to my group. I decided to create my own Squad with all my friends. It consisted of Sawyer, Indi, Walker, Lev, Me, Jenna and Sophie. I started telling all my viewers and we were now known as the squad. But, sure enough, people started making this like The squad v.s the Goat Fam or The Goat Fam is better or the Squad is better. It kept going on and on. I didn't want to be competitive against my Ex. I still cared about him.

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