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I can't believe Piper and Gavin had their first kiss in India room. Who would do that? I wouldn't. It would be wierd and embarrassing. I remember Indi screamed and everyone ran upstairs. She told us what they did and we couldn't belive them. It's too risky. I hoped it wouldn't be on social media but it somehow ended up there. It was too much for every one. I decided to go dance it out. I wet to the studio around ten. Gavin asked the squad to come by so he could explain mimself. We finally arrived and we were in for a big surprise.
" You guys are probably wondering what I'm doing with my ex. Well, we're trying to get back together. But, her mom doesn't approve." He explained.
"So, you didn't want to tell me? Even though we're on a break, we could have talked d this out!" Coco screamed angrily. "You know what? I'm breaking up with you!"
After that, she left. We thought she would come back back, but she never did.

It's been almost a month since all that and Christmas was drawing near. I was making a Christmas party to draw peace with the three squads. Even the people like Coco and Clementine who weren't part of a squad anymore. After inviting them, everyone except Coco said they could come. She explained it would be too hard to see Gavin there. I'm super happy anyway. I'm also excited about the new year. I went to the dance studio again. Gavin surprised me there.
"Oh. Hey." I said surprised.
"Hi. Do you want to go for a walk? There's something I need to tell you. "
"Alright. "I siad as I packed up my stuff.
"So, I need advice on what to do. Piper's mom might not be happy to see me."
"Well, you have to impress her first, make her feel like you can keep her daughter safe. But don't impress her soon much that she'll think you're a show off. Also, don't take it too far that you're doing things you've never done before."
"Thanks Nica. " We hugged and went home.
Gavin and Piper were good together and thats all that mattered.

The next day was my Christmas party. Everyone but Coco came. It went really well and we all got back together. I tried calling Coco a zillion times but she never answered. The three squads got along very well. We also played truth or dare. We decided not to post so parents wouldn't know. During truth or dare, people got intense.
" Gavin, truth or dare? " Walker asked.
" Truth! " Gavin answered.
" Ok. How long have you been cheating on Coco. "
" Two Months " He answered quietly.
" I knew it. So you decided..." I cut him there before any drama.
" Ok. This enough. Corine Truth or Dare. "
"Dare." Corine is soo daring.
" I dare you to kiss Aiden. "
She kissed him awkwardly.
That was super cute. We ended the party around 12 am. As our countdown to Christmas. After that, I said goodnight to everyone and cleaned up before my parents got home. As I was cleaning, my parents got home. Ooops. I'm dead.

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