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A new year means new beginnings and fresh starts. If you can let go of the past, freeing yourself of failures and disappointments, you can embrace a new perspective—a fresh look at the future and all the wonderful possibilities it holds.

-Lydia Sweatt

I finally apologised to Sarah. I never knew what to say when I tried to. I was happy i apologised. Every one feels guilt when they do something wrong.

We went to Starbucks the next day with Gavin,Corine and Coco. We were getting ready to look for Piper that morning. Where could she have gone? Her mom didn't reply to any of our texts or calls. She posted normally on social media. There was something fishy going on. I didn't know what it was but I something told me her mom knows something.

We went to Piper's house the next day with a police officer. We knocked twice before Tiffany let us in. She was surprised to see us. She just starred.

"M'aam, have you realised your daughter hasn't been here for the past 73 hours? I thought you'd be worried."

"I thought she was spending a few days at Symone's house."

"Wouldn't you have called to check on her? If you don't tell me the truth, I have to keep you for a while in the station."

"Fine I'll tell you everything. But every one of you kids has to be here. I don't want to explain this again. It's hard."

Right then I saw a tear falling from Gavin's eye. When he knew I was looking at him, he wiped it away. I know he's trying to be strong. But, sometimes, you have to let out your feelings.

When everyone got to Piper's the place was full and Tiffany started to talk.

"2 nights ago, Piper told me she was going to Starbucks. I said it was ok. But her curfew was 11pm. She agreed and left. I waited past 2 am and she never return. I thought she may have snuck back in. But when I went to her room, I saw this." She said as she handed Gavin a paper with a note."

Gavin took it and read it out loud.

"DON'T CALL THE POLICE! I'm fine. I just wanted to tell you that I need to be alone for a while. I know you'll probably think it's my teenage stuff again. But I know what's right for me. Tell all my friends that I'm ok and tell Gavin I said I love him. And that I'm sorry about the break. But, the real reason I left is because I found dad online. He agreed to let me stay with him! And please! I'm fine ! really!"

I now understood everything. Piper's dad left her and her mom when she was very young. She just wanted a dad. Everyone started crying. Especially Gavin. We all went to lunch and had fun. We knew Piper was gonna be OK. And that was all that mattered!

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