{Chapter 2}

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I swallowed, then tapped the notification.

I bit my lip as the screen changed to a conversation.

I sat down on the chair across from the counter and waited as it loaded slowly.

My mind was racing. Who was it?

Was it a pedophile? I mean, you never know. But for once, I pushed those thoughts out of my mind and read the message. It was so simple, yet it blew my mind.

From: Shy_Guy16


I took a deep breath, rubbed my sweaty palms on my pants, then typed back.

From: Kitty_Cupcake16

Hi :)

I put my phone down and rubbed the bridge of my nose. I sighed, tapping my foot impatiently as I waited for a reply.

Within seconds I had another response and I clicked on it.

From: Shy_Guy16

I'm sorry if this is weird or anything, but you are a girl, right? I'm just guessing by your username. Oh god. What if you're not a girl? I'm SO sorry if I offended you...

Aww! That was so adorable. This person was getting nervous. No one got nervous when they talked to me, so this was a first. Laughing, I typed back, a blush forming on my cheeks.

From: Kitty_Cupcake16

Yes, I am a girl. So, guessing by your username, you're a guy, right? ;)

I pressed the send button, then my mind started freaking out. Was I flirting with a person I didn't even know?!

What was up with me?

I jumped as my phone vibrated, clicking on the notification.

From: Shy_Guy16

I am a guy. Thanks for noticing :) :)
So.. I'm guessing you like cupcakes, huh?

Like cupcakes? Is that even a real question? I LOVE cupcakes. It's really gonna suck when I get married because cupcakes are my love. Hopefully my husband won't mind.

From: Kitty_Cupcake16

I actually love cupcakes. I'm guessing you're shy, based on your username, huh?

I stood up. God, my butt was hurting. I felt stiff. I guess that's what happens when you sit down for so long without moving. And it also didn't help that my feet felt numb.

I walked up the stairs to my room, hopping on my bed. I turned on my side as I had a new message.

From: Shy_Guy16

I guess. Something like that. What about you? All I know is that you're a girl, and you really like cupcakes.

What was there about me? Should I say that I was clumsy? That everything I touched I destroyed? What about the fact that I hate pop music? Or how I'm a beast at Call of Duty?

From: Kitty_Cupcake16

Well.. I'm 16. I have a younger sister, she's obsessed with Ryder Earrings. I love playing Call of Duty with my best friend Andy. I have a mom who's not really around. And, um, my dad died when I was two. It was in a horrible car accident. What about you?

I took a deep breath. Was this too much to pour out to a complete stranger?

From: Shy_Guy16

Wow. Ryder Earrings fan, huh? I actually love art. I love to draw. A lot. Reading is also a pastime of mine. Plus, I'm extremely clumsy. Like, it's terrible. I have an older brother, but he basically gets all of the attention around here.

Wow. That seriously sucks. Probably even more than my situation.

From: Kitty_Cupcake16

That sounds terrible :(
I'm sorry. Don't feel bad! I'm clumsy too! :) :) :)

From: Shy_Guy16

That's nice to know. You actually seem pretty cool.

I grinned. He thinks I'm cool!!

I squealed, the noise calling attention, since my door slammed open and Lisa shot her head in.

"What's going on?" She asked nosily.

I cleared my throat, trying to stop the light blush that was forming on my cheeks. "Nothing.." I lied.

Lisa shot me a knowing look, and grinned. "Uh-huh.." She gave me one last glance, then left, shutting the door behind her.

I sighed in relief, then turned back to my phone. I gasped in horror. I only had seven percent left. And the minute my phone died, I would lose contact with Shy_Guy16. And I didn't want to.

From: Kitty_Cupcake16

My phone's dying. We should exchange numbers.

Within seconds, I had a reply.

From: Shy_Guy16


He gave me his and I mimicked his actions. I checked my battery. Two percent left now. I was scared to ask this, but it was going to happen one way or another.

From: Kitty_Cupcake16

I hope you don't mind me asking but what's your name?

From: Shy_Guy16
I honestly don't mind. My name's Jake.

Even his name sounded cute! I grinned, then typed back quickly.

From: Kitty_Cupcake16

My name's Hallie. :)

I checked the time on my phone and groaned. It was time for bed.

From: Kitty_Cupcake16
I'm sorry. My phone's dying and I've got to go. It's late here and I'm insanely tired. Maybe we can text later?

I stretched out my legs as I got a reply.

From: Shy_Guy16

Sure :)

And right before my phone died, a grin spread across my face as I read his final message.

From: Shy_Guy16

Goodnight, Hallie.

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