{Chapter 27}

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Andy's point of view:

I stood in the living room, the smile still lighting up face like a Christmas tree.

This was completely and utterly perfect.

And I had Lisa to thank.

Right after I told Hallie my confession, and she stormed out of the cafeteria like a deer caught in headlights, I knew deep in my soul that Jake- oh, I'm sorry. Excuse me, I meant to say Jackson- wasn't the right guy for her. How could a guy she met online who knew NOTHING about her be good for her? And plus, most online relationships don't really last. (Check out Catfish: The T.V. Show if you don't believe me.)
Plus it was also the fact that she only talked to the guy for a week or so, and suddenly she was "in love with him" and "he was SO special to her."

Pfft. Special, my ass.

What about me? Didn't I count for anything? You know, didn't the guy who was there for you ever since elementary matter? What about him?

Apparently Hallie couldn't see how we belonged together, but yet saw that she and Jake were a perfect match, but that's only because she's trying so desperately to fit two puzzle pieces that aren't even aligned. Yet, if she removed ONE simple piece and picked another, more suitable, one that's been there for her FOREVER, maybe, just maybe she could see how beautiful that love could become.

But Hallie, like Lisa said, was being unbelievably stupid, which is why Captain Obvious is here to save the day, or as most people call him, Andy Michael Heaven.

Jake glowered at me from the couch. "What are YOU doing here?"

This guy had attitude, I'll give him that. But he didn't know about my attitude yet.

"I am here to eat pizza and watch a movie. Isn't it obvious? That's kinda why I have the pizza box in my hand." I shook it in front of his face and he slapped it away, the box leaping out of my hands and falling to the floor.

I walked towards the box, and lifted it up with a disapproving huff. "Well, SOMEONE didn't want pizza."

Hallie scratched the back of her head. "Seriously, Andy, WHAT are you doing here?"

I rolled my eyes. God, these people were so slow. Someone kill me now. "Hallie, as I just told Jackson a minute ago, I am simply here to eat pizza and watch this movie you have playing."

Hallie just stared at me. "You're here to eat pizza and watch The Best of Me? You seriously expect me to believe that? Come on, Andy, I'm not stupid. We both know you hate chick flicks."

I forced a smile on my face. "Well, there's a first time for everything. So, why don't you guys go get the movie situated and then I'll heat up the pizza." I eyed Jackson and gave him what I hoped to be a friendly look, even though I hated the guy's guts. "Oh, I won't put any for you, Jake. I know how you hate pizza. The box accepts your apology, by the way."

With that, I walked into the kitchen and grabbed the paper plates from the cabinet above the microwave and piled slices on there before putting it in for about 45 seconds. I tapped my foot impatiently as I waited for the pizza to finish. Every second away meant that Jake could make his move on Hallie, and if I had something to say about it, I sure as hell wasn't letting that happen.

Finally, it was finished so I walked back into the living room, plate in hand.

The couch came into view and I frowned. Huh. No room. Hallie and Jake were sitting close together to where there was no room for me. What to do? What to do?

Well, when in doubt, you make room.

I jumped over the fallen pillow on the ground and sat down on the sofa. Right on top of Hallie and Jake.

Hallie screeched and Jake cursed, and I sat there smiling.

"Um, guys, there's not any room for me. Would you mind scooting over?"

Jake groaned and Hallie did as I asked and so did Jake.

Nope. They were STILL too close together.

"Can you scoot over a little bit more? A little more. A little more. Ah. Perfect."

Jake was now on the right end of the couch and Hallie was on the left, touching the arms. There was NO way they could do anything now.

"Seriously, man? WHY do you need that much room?"

I shrugged. "My joints hurt. Can't help it."

Jake mumbled something but I couldn't understand what he was saying so I just ignored him. As I figured would probably be a usual thing.

Hallie rolled her eyes. "Let's just start the movie."


Sadly, movies don't last forever. I wished they did. If they did last forever, Hallie wouldn't be trying to push me out of her house right now.

I was at the door, fighting against her as she shoved me out of the doorway onto the concrete.
"Come on, Hal. I want to watch another movie with you guys."

"ANOTHER movie? You just watched, like, three of them. No way. You need to leave."

"That's rude. Shoving your guests out door like this is so inhospitable. Shame on you, Hallie Tucker."

She rolled her eyes. "Whatever, Andy. Goodnight."

Then, she slammed the door in my face.

I rushed to the doorknob, twisting only to find it locked. Great, Hallie. Smart.

But not smart enough. Lisa has a spare key and she let me borrow it before I came here. Lisa was hanging out at her friend's house, but she was so dedicated to HANDY that she gave me the key in case of an emergency. And THIS was an emergency.

I grabbed the key from my back pocket and pushed it in the keyhole, unlocking the door. I made my way to the living room to find my worst nightmare.

Hallie was sitting on Jake's lap, locked into a steamy makeout session. It was more than I could bear.

I grabbed Jake by the collar and shoved him away from her, Hallie gasping in anger.


"What does it look like I'm doing? I'm getting him off of you."

She stood up, in my face. "I've had it. You've ruined my movie, you've ruined my date and now you've ruined my first kiss."

My heart dropped. First kiss? I WAS HER FIRST KISS. ME. Not Jake. ME.

I felt anger seep into me as well. "Nice to know our kiss didn't mean anything to you."

She glared at me. "Andy, you need to go."

I stood my ground. "No. I'm not leaving."

She scoffed. "Fine, then we are. Come on, Jake. Let's go somewhere else."

She grabbed his hand and led him out of the house, grabbing her car keys and slamming the door behind her.

I put my head in my hands, growling. This wasn't what was supposed to happen. She was supposed to recognize I was the one for her, and STILL she chooses this Abercrombie wannabe model.

Whatever. He's such a-

The sound of a phone ringing stopped my thoughts. I walked into the kitchen and saw the house phone sitting in the base, ringing.

Should I answer it? I mean, I'm here, so I might as well, right?

Swallowing, I picked up the phone and pressed Answer.

My eyes widened at the voice at the end of the line.

"No, this isn't Hallie. This is Andy. Where is Hallie? Actually, Mrs. Tucker, there's something you should know.."

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