{Chapter 18}

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I sat in the backseat of Andy's car, Unravel Me in my lap, where it was opened to the first chapter.


I closed my book and looked up. "Yeah?"

"Why'd you ask to go to the library in the first place? What's so important?"

I shrugged. "I dunno, I just did."

Andy clenched the steering wheel tighter, and I immediately knew what was coming. Another argument. That's all that seemed to happen now. "Did Jake have something to do with that?"

I had no idea why Andy was getting so touchy about Jake in the first place. It just wasn't like him to get angry. It wasn't.

"Why are you getting so upset about him in the first place?"

He didn't say anything and that's whenever it hit me.

"Are- are you jealous?"

His eyes becamed dark and he laughed. "Jealous? Of Jake? I don't even know the guy so how can I be jealous of him?"

That's exactly what I was thinking.

He turned into the driveway and he grabbed his keys out of the ignition.

I took this as my chance to ask my question. "Well, ever since you've looked at my phone and asked who he was, you've been upset."

He threw the keys at the window, then turned to look at me.

I scooted as far away from him as I could, fear starting to show in my expression.

"You don't know a thing about my emotions, and you're way too busy talking to him, so don't fucking act like you know everything. At one point, I would've thought you knew everything about me but if you can't understand why I'm upset, I guess you don't know me as well as I thought you did."

Andy was upset, and that made me upset. I'd do anything, and I mean ANYTHING, to make him happy.

"Well, can you please at least tell me what I did so I can fix it?"

He laughed into his fist, letting his hand glide to the back of his neck. "Hallie, what I want can't be fixed. It can't be bought either. So nothing you say or do can fix it, but there is one thing that can, but you're clearly too attached to want to do that, even for me."

What? What was he saying? What did he mean by, "There was one thing that could change, fix, this, but I was too attached to even want to do that"? What was I so attached to that he wanted me to give up?

No. He wasn't asking me- he wouldn't.

I felt anger seep through me. "Are you seriously asking me to give up the best thing that's ever happened to me?! Goddamn, Andy, you're fucking unbelievable." I unbuckled myself, flinging the seatbelt off of me, and fumbled with the door handle.

I got it open after a few seconds and got out, grabbing my book. I slammed the door behind me and walked towards the front door.

"What an amazing friend you are." Andy snapped.

I turned on my heel, facing him. "What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

He laughed. "You ranked a guy you just met in the category of 'best thing that ever happened to you'. That sort of qualifies as a shitty ass friend."

"How do you even know that?" I swallowed, the realization setting in. "You went through my phone. How much do you know anyway?"

He smiled. "Enough to know you've been texting a guy named Jake, who you've clearly never met before. I don't know if anything else is going on, but believe me, I will find out eventually."

I stabbed my finger in his direction. "You had no right going through my personal business like that!"

He shrugged. "Maybe not. But it's pretty clear where you're loyalties lie."

He brushed past me and I swallowed.

"And where's that?"

He rubbed the back of his head and turned one last time to face me.

"You picked a guy you've never met over people who have been here for you for most of your life, and that's sickening. But you know what, Hallie? No matter what, I wish you and Jake, or Jakeass, as I prefer to call him, the best."

He walked inside and slammed the door shut behind him, and I fell to the ground, my head in my hands.

The door opened again but I didn't look up.

I continued crying, crying for the friend that I had lost.

I heard footsteps come close and eventually they stopped.

I wiped my eyes and looked up.

It was Addie.

"Hal, what happened? Andy walked in, looking like he was going to commit murder."

I didn't answer and just kept on crying.

"Whoa, hey, hey, it's okay. Come on, let's get you inside and you can tell me everything."


I sat across from Addie in her bedroom, a wad of tissues in my lap and a now empty bowl of ice cream on the side.

"So, all of this happened because of that fortune cookie?"

I nodded, blowing my nose into a tissue.

"And Andy kissed you? At your house?"

I felt heat come into my cheeks and I nodded again.

"Was it horrible?"

I smiled and she nudged me. "Come on, Hal, you can tell me."

I rolled my eyes. "It was amazing. It moved me, Ad. And nothing can do that, not even-"

"Jake." She finished for me.

I didn't say anything, just stared at the ground.

"I don't know how much he knows about everything, but he definitely knows about Jake."

"So, what are you going to do?"

I wiped my eyes with the back of my hand. "I honestly don't know. But I seriously think it would b best for everyone involved if Lisa and I went back home."

"What?! Hallie, no. You have to stay here. You know you're always welcome."

I half chuckled, half cried. "I know, Addie. But it's too complicated now with me and Andy. I don't want you dragged in the middle."

She sighed, nodding. "Okay, okay. I understand. Go get your bags and stuff, then go downstairs. You'll have a ride home."

I grabbed her by the shoulders and hugged her tightly. "Thanks, Ad." I whispered.

She pulled back, smiling. "No problem. Now go."

I got Lisa and our stuff together all within a matter of five minutes and walked downstairs to see Andy waiting at the table.

"What are you doing?"

He frowned. "What does it look like I'm doing? Addie asked me to give you a ride."

Damn. Addie.

We rode in the car in complete and utter silence, the only sound coming from text message notifications from Lisa's phone.

He stopped at the driveway and Lisa piled out, all of our stuff in hand. She had the spare key in her pocket, which we found on the counter at Andy's house, and opened the house door, going inside, leaving me and Andy alone.

I got out slowly, walking to the door. I stopped right in front of it, debating whether I should do what I wanted to. I did.

I gripped my hands together and walked to Andy's car. He rolled down the window, poking his head out.

"Hal, what's wrong?"

I didn't answer.

Instead, I pressed a kiss to his cheek, then ran inside, trying to escape my emotions which I knew that was now bubbling at the surface.

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