{Chapter 12}

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The bell for school signaled out all throughout the hallways, and I rushed out of my last class, dodging idiots and sad people who hung out in the hallway for no apparent reason.

I made my way past the slow walkers and the others who were like me who shoving past everything and everyone to get to their destination.

And, my destination, at this very moment, was my car.

I reached the lawn, running as fast as I could to the student parking lot.

I rushed past a moving truck and the driver honked at me as I passed, screaming obscene curses out the window.

I shouted my apologies, reaching my car.

I unlocked it, getting in the driver's side, starting the car as I went.

I backed out of the parking lot, heading away to Lisa's school.


Traffic was one thing that annoyed me. People who drove were idiotic and getting into my way, and they didn't seem to notice or care about the places I had to go. Nice, huh?

After a while of dealing with people's reckless driving, I reached Lisa's middle school and I put on my turn signal, turning into the car rider line.

I waited patiently as cars moved slowly in front of me, each waiting their turn to pick up their designated child.

Finally it was my turn and I noticed Lisa wasn't alone.

Lisa and Mary piled in the car and for once, I didn't fight the urge to roll my eyes.

"God," I groaned. "Her again? Lisa, you seriously have to find more friends. I'm getting sick and tired of seeing her face every five minutes."

Lisa rolled her eyes and buckled her seat belt. "Says the girl who only has two friends."


And with that, we continued our journey back to Andy and Addie's house.

The entire way, Lisa and Mary chatted animatedly about Ryder Earrings, and honestly, I couldn't deal with hearing about him anymore.

From what I heard, he seemed like a dude who only cared about himself. And that was someone that I couldn't stand. Self centered people were the death of me.

And- the worst part of it all, apparently Ryder has some EXTREME fan news that he's posting about tonight that deals with the winner of the concert. But, luckily, it won't have anything to do with me.

Eventually, we reached Andy and Addie's house, and I turned off the car, reaching over the cup holder to grab my booksack that was resting on the passenger seat.

"So," I coughed. "Do you guys need help with homework or anything?"

I turned to look at Lisa then realized I was staring at empty air. Great. They ditched me.

I sighed in annoyance and exited the car, walking into the house. Andy was at the stove, shoving in a frozen pizza, oven mitt in hand.

I laughed. "Well, aren't you the chef!"

He turned around and I almost died. He was wearing an apron that read Kiss the Chef.

He grinned. "Come on, Hal. Let your fantasies come true. You know you wanna."

I shoved him, laughing.

I threw my booksack to the ground and walked to the room Addie and I were potentially sharing, and grabbed my phone from off the charger.

I heard giggling and turned. Addie, Mary, and Lisa were all giving each other makeovers.

I scrunched my nose in disgust.

Addie laughed. "Don't you want a makeover?"

I scoffed. "No, thank you. I'd rather go hang with Andy."

I waltzed down the stairs to the living room, making my way to the couch.

I sat down in my usual spot, noticing the DVD was already in place. Andy sat next to me, two plates in hand, each piled up with pizza. Yep, we were pizza fanatics.

He pressed play on the DVD and I immediately recognized it as one of my favorites: Taken.

I loved that movie. It was action packed, plus it had Liam Nielson. Liam Nielson was badass. And I liked badass characters.

Midway through the movie, I felt myself shiver for some odd reason. I was cold.

Andy moved closer to me, and I felt his arm wrap around my waist and pull me closer to him. My head rested on his shoulder like always, but something about this felt different. And I knew it was because of the kiss we shared.

I turned to look at him and saw he was doing the same. He came closer, and I felt my phone vibrate multiple times in my lap. I knew who it was, but I didn't care. I didn't want to answer it. I wanted Andy to kiss me.

He came closer, his breath mixing with mine.

Almost there...


I groaned and got off of the couch, heading to the bathroom. Addie was standing next to Lisa, and they were both peering at their reflections in the mirror, admiring themselves.

"Doesn't her eyeliner and eyeshadow look nice, Hal?" Addie asked.

"Her what?" I knew nothing about makeup.

Addie rolled her eyes. "Never mind, forget it, Hal. You're obviously too clueless to understand."

I rolled my eye and stalked back to the living room.

"Hey- are you ready to finish watching the movie?" I asked.

Andy was standing up, his eyes locked on me, my phone in his hand.

"Sure, but first, answer my question."

I raised my eyebrows.

"Who's Jake?"

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