{Chapter 11}

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The entire ride back was awkward.

The kiss I had with Andy was electric, passionate, and just WOW.

I didn't really know what to say to him, honestly.

So I settled for the best option in this scenario, the thing I settle for in almost every weird, bad, tense, or awkward situation, like now: Saying nothing.

I stared out the window, counting the amount of cars, trucks, bicycles- anything that passed us by I counted. I needed to distract myself from what happened. I couldn't allow myself to think too much into it.

Andy was a friend, a brother, if you will. He's known me all of my life, and yes, being in a relationship who's known you for forever DOES have its perks, believe me. But it also has negative effects as well.

If Andy and I did get together (which will NEVER happen), it could work, I admit it. If it weren't for the fact that we could break up and never talk again, never be friends again. And that was something I couldn't live with. He was always there for me, and I needed him to be. A romantic relationship would get in the way of that.

Plus, I wasn't into Andy like that. It was Jake I was into.

But if that was true, why did I react the way I did to that kiss? Was I possibly even a little bit into Andy and didn't want to admit it to myself?

I shook my head, trying to clear all thoughts of that kiss from my head. And the best cure for that? Sleep.

So that's exactly what I did.

I awoke to a person shaking me. I blinked a few times, trying to focus on my surroundings. Lisa was sitting next to me, watching me with curious eyes.

Andy was nowhere in sight.

I rubbed my face with my hand. "Where are we?" I asked.

She continued staring at me. "We're back at Addie and Andy's."

I looked at her. "Where's Andy?"

"He brought the stuff down for us, since you were tired to wake up."

I nodded. That was nice of him. But that's Andy- always doing everything he can for his family.

Lisa continued to stare and I felt myself growing more and more uncomfortable.

"Do you have a staring problem, Lisa? Or are your eyes stuck in that position?"

She was silent for a minute, then turned away from me, staring at the back of the passenger seat.

"Do you like him?"

"Like who?"

"Come on, Hallie. We both know who I'm talking about. But to clarify your idiocy, I'm talking about Andy."

I laughed. "Is that even a real question? Of course I like Andy."

She shook her head. "Well, duh, he's your best friend, Hallie. But I'm not talking about that kind of like."

"Well, then what are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about the fact that he kissed you a while ago, and you were practically on your knees because it was so passionate."

I opened my mouth to defend myself.

"And don't even try to deny it because we both know it's true."

I shut my mouth. Damn.

"So, are you into Andy?"

I opened my mouth again.

But like always, Lisa had to add another comment. "Think hard before you answer. And- answer truthfully."

I did as she asked, thinking over everything until I realized I was speechless. I honestly didn't know what to think, what to say. Because if you asked me yesterday, I would've obviously said no. I was completely, irrevocably into Jake. But now, after that kiss with Andy, after that, I didn't know.

It had to have been at least five minutes and I still didn't respond.

Lisa's clearing of her throat cut through the silence. "I see. You're confused."

I looked up, shocked. "You can tell? "

She nodded. "Come on, Hallie. It's obvious. Yesterday, you wouldn't even give Andy the time of day. You didn't care. But now- something's changed. And whether you want to admit it to yourself or not, you gotta face it- Hallie, you're into Andy."

A while after my mind was able to wrap around the fact that I might be into Andy, I walked into the house, heading to the bathroom.

I turned on the faucet and wet my face repeatedly, trying to get myself to stop the shock.

I dryed my face and looked in the mirror. My face was Apple red, my eyes glowing, my lips raw. God, Andy and I had really got into that kiss.

I closed my eyes and ran my fingers over my lips. If I pictured it, I could still feel his lips on mine, feel the softness of his, taste him. Oh, God, he tasted like vanilla and it was just so addictive-


I slapped the sink countertop, fire spreading from my fingertips to my wrist. I cursed, opening the bathroom door to find myself face to face with Andy.

"Hey," He mumbled.

"Hi," I replied.

"Listen," he began. "I wanted to tell you that the kiss that happened earlier, whenever, I, you know, kissed you, I didn't mean it."

He rubbed the back of his neck, uncomfortable.

I swallowed.

"It was all for show. I mean, I knew your Mom probably wouldn't question us hanging out so much if I said we were dating."

"But.. she never questioned it before.."

"She did tonight, Hal. Okay, so we just have to keep this up around her, okay?"

I nodded. "Shouldn't be a problem. She's not around very much."

He shrugged. "Oh, I know. But for when she is."

I looked at the floor. "Should be fine."

He nodded once. "Okay, well, I'm guessing you're tired, and I know we have school in a little while, so I'll let you go sleep, and I guess I'll see you later tonight for our movie date.

I nodded. "I guess you shall."

He left curtly and I watched him leave, surprised that a part of me wanted him to follow me in the room and just stay with me, and for that a whole few minutes, Jake didn't enter my mind once.

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