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4 years later:

The sunlight was blinding, and I shielded my eyes, squinting. Laughter surrounded me, coming directly from the dance floor where everyone was having the time of their lives. I scooted my back against the chair, pulling down the hem of my dress, self-conscious. My cheeks went up in flames and I brushed a strand of loose hair behind my ear, before turning to my left.

Now 21, same age as me, Andy looked exactly as he did a few years before, except better. His hair was cut short, styled spiky, and his chocolate brown eyes radiated warmth, but it wasn't for just anything. There was something in this moment that he couldn't seem to ignore, and I followed his eyes only to find he was staring at someone in particular.

I put my head on his shoulder, stiffling a laugh. He jumped, finally escaping from his trance. "What's so funny?" he snapped.

I said nothing, just buried my head in his shirt.

He rolled his eyes. "Come on, Hal. I know you. You're not just laughing to laugh. There's a certain reason why you're doing it. Just make it easier on yourself and tell me."

I shrugged. "You. Just you. You obviously like her, so why not go talk to her?"

His mouth dropped open. "What are you talking about? I don't like anyone. That's completely ridiculous."

I shook my head. "Just- go ask her to dance with you."

He pointed in defeat. "But she's already dancing."

I lifted my head from his shoulder and shook my head at him. "Chicken shit."

"I am NOT chicken."

"Then go talk to her. Prove it."

"You don't think it's inappropriate? For me to want to date her? After everything that's happened? Especially between us?"

I shook my head, slightly smiling. "Go on, go get her, tiger."

He grinned before standing up, making his way to the dance floor where a beautiful young lady stood in the middle, her blonde hair wrapped up in a tight bun. He tapped her and she turned to face him, grinning. He said something to her and she nodded, blushing. He took her hand, and led her to the dance floor and there they stood, almost like a way to the past. Lisa and Andy, though time has shifted, and feelings have developed, they remained constant.

Lost in my own thoughts, I didn't realize there was a shadow blocking my view until the sunlight disappeared completely. I blinked and focused on the person now in front of me.

Addie stood in all-white, representing only what one could identify as an angel. Her hair was pulled to the side in a stylish bun, a single white flower accenting perfectly. Jake stood next to her, in a classic tux (it looked almost like the same one at Prom), wearing the same facial expression. They were both so happy. And I was happy for them.

I scooped Addie up in a bear hug, squealing. "Congrats to the bride and groom!" I cheered, letting her go.

She held onto my arms and grinned. "Hal, I'm so happy you could make it. You have no idea how much it means to me that you're here. You really don't. I'm so happy, Hallie. I really am. I just wish you could be happy too."

I agreed with her statement completely, except there was one problem. There was only one person who could make me happy, but he wasn't here. He wouldn't be. He wasn't even there during the ceremony, so why would he show up? Why even bother? WHY even come? There was no reason for him to, even though I wished he'd show up, because I missed him. I hated the way things ended, and I hated the way everything turned out AFTER that. He left, and for whatever reason, decided not to contact me. I hadn't heard from him in four years, so why was I still expecting him to sweep me off of my feet? Why couldn't I just let it g-

"Hallie, could you do me a huge favor? There's something I need you to get for me at my car, and if you'd do that for me, I'd truly appreciate it."

I smiled. "Sure." Addie let go of me and hugged me one final time, letting Jake have his turn, before dragging him onto the dance floor one final time.

I faced my attention back on Lisa and Andy, taking in how well they flowed together, how you could tell just by looking at them how much love flew from their beings. And, I was happy for them because it was legal now, since she just turned 18 last week and Andy was 21. I had a feeling that Lisa had a crush on Andy even when she was younger, although she'd never admit it. But now, they could be together.

And Addie and Jake? They were like two puzzle pieces. At first, they looked really complicated and messed up, but once you shifted them around a little, you could tell how perfect they fit together. I was happy for everyone, because they had everything they could ask for.

It was the best thing for everyone.

Everyone but me. I still didn't have my Prince Charming, and I think it would be best if I just let go. Because it wasn't gonna happen.

I sighed, then decided it was best to just ignore my thoughts and walk to Addie's car, which was in the back of the house.

I shoved my headphones in my ears, turning on The Reason by Hoobastank, allowing the music to comfort me, to make me forget about everything and everyone, even if just for a little while.

I made my way through the house, grabbing Addie's car keys, humming the lyrics. As I bobbed my head to the beat, I unlocked the back door, going through the back porch.

I faced the door, closing it behind me before turning around.
The car keys fell to the ground and I sucked in a breath.

Ryder stood, leaning against the passenger side, hands in his pockets. His hair was tousled messily, blue eyes electric, and he was sporting blue jeans and white t-shirt, and even though the outfit was so plain, on him, it looked amazing. HE looked amazing.

"Hi, Hallie."

"Hi," I breathed. I bent down to pick up the car keys, slowly making my way towards him.

We were face to face now. His chest was pressed against mine and I could feel his breath on my hair, and I closed my eyes. His hand grazed my face and I sank into his touch.

"Hallie," he choked out. "I am so sorry. I am. I didn't mean to hurt you, and I did. And I know there's no excuse for that. Hurting you? That was the stupidest thing I ever did. Truly, it is. And there's nothing I can ever do to make that up for you. But I'm hoping you'll let me explain. The reason I said that to the paparazzi is because I didn't want them to ruin you. Okay, they take thigs and twist them, and they might have said something terrible about you, and I didn't want you to experience that. Okay, I couldn't live with myself if they hurt you like that. I couldn't. I still can't live with the fact that I hurt you. And I know that we probably won't ever be like we used to, but you deserve an apology. And I'm hoping you'll accept it-"

"Ryder," I interrupted.

"No," he interjected. "Please, Hallie. Let me."

I nodded and he swallowed.

"Hallie, I am truly, deeply sorry. I am sorry that I hurt you, that I broke you. I am truly sorry. I'm sorry for everything you had to go through because of me. Please accept my apology."

I shook my head. "Ryder, I can't."

His face fell. He backed up, nodding slightly. "Okay, I understand. If you don't want to-"

I grabbed his face and pulled him to me, and our mouths moved in sync, hands tangled in hair without a care.

He pulled back, resting his head against mine. "Why- what?"

"It wasn't because I didn't want to accept your apology, Ryder. I just want to start over. Okay, a total redo. I don't want to be reminded of what happened then, but instead of what happens tomorrow. We need to do this right."

He smiled. "You're completely correct. I love you, Hallie."

I giggled. "Isn't this awkward to say to a person you just met?"

He nodded, grinning. "You're right, miss. My apologies. Nice to meet you, I'm Ryder Earrings."

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