{Chapter 28}

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I stood at my locker during free period, the short time where our school allowed us to get our books for our next class before the bell rang.

I fumbled with the combination in annnoyance. For some odd reason, it didn't want to open, and it wasn't working out. Just like everything else in my life at the moment. Although I shouldn't really be complaining. I have the best boyfriend any girl could ask for- he was incredibly sweet and funny and handsome and caring. Andy was the problem.

He ruined what should've been the best kiss of my life, and for what? The fact that he was jealous? Come on, dude. What are we, five? Grow the hell up already.

After a second or two, the door jerked open and I groaned as all of my papers and notebooks and pencils spilled out of the locker, leaving a heap of destruction in its haste.

Seriously? Really? Thank you, World. You officially hate me.

I bent down to pick up the papers and was able to scoop them up, along with my notebooks and other belongings and slammed the door in frustration, only to see Erica waiting leaning on the locker next to mine.

Erica was Mary's older, popular sister. She wasn't exactly in my social circle and the only time she talked to people like me was when she wanted something. So..what could she possibly want to tell me?

Erica smiled. "Hi, Hallie. What's up?"

Um, why exactly are you talking to me again? "Nothing much. Just getting ready for next period. Is there anything in particular you needed?"

She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and gave a small smile. "Actually, there is something I wanted to ask. See, I'm throwing this bonfire in a few weeks and I was wondering if you could see if Ryder would want to come.."

Oh. Yep, NOW everything made sense. Guessing she wasn't popular enough to convince a famous person to attend one of her amazing, totally cool parties she threw every year, so she decided to ask me since he was currently living in my house. Figures.

"Listen, if this was so important and dealing with Ryder, why didn't you just ask him? He's right over there?" I pointed over down the hallway where Ryder stood with a group of fangirls surrounding him, a lovey-dovey gleam in their eyes.

Erica chuckled, her voice shaking a little. "Well, see, it wasn't JUST Ryder I wanted going. I was actually asking to see if you and Addie and your boyfriend Blake wanted to come."

I scoffed. Really? Was it THAT hard to get his name right? "His name's Jake."

Erica waved the comment away with a swat of her hand. "Jake. Whatever. Listen, I just wanted to let you know you guys are definitely invited. So, guess I'll see you around?"

I nodded. "Guess you will."

Erica smiled one last time before turning on her heel, heading the opposite direction to her locker.

I smiled just as Addie came into view. This. Was. Perfect.

"Hey, Ad!" I called out. "Come over here."

Her eyes widened in curiosity and she walked over to me slowly, stopping right before my locker. "Hey, Hal. What's up?"

I grinned. "Guess what just happend? Erica asked US to go to a party!"

"Wait, Erica? As in, Mary's sister Erica?"

I nodded. "That's the one."

"But why-" She paused then the light dawned. "Wait. Ryder?"

I clicked my tongue. "Correct."

Addie rolled her eyes. "God, wow. Seriously? Can't people SEE how he's a person, too? Like, just because he's famous doesn't mean that he's emotionless."

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