{Chapter 21}

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School starts up for me tomorrow, so that means it's the end of winter break :( and updating for a while. I am going to get a whole new set of classes, one which includes English, and I am SO excited because English is my favorite subject ever besides History, and I can't wait. Sadly, this will be the last update until I can get settled with school, and I apologize for that, but as you know, in my opinion, or better yet, in my case- school comes first. Then, writing and family and friends and Sage come after. Warning- this will be ended with a cliffhanger, and for those of you who have read Beautiful Scars, you have an idea of what my cliffhangers are like. And, well, for those of you who haven't, well, you're in luck ^-^


That's all Lisa could talk about. And honestly, it was starting to get annoying. Everything revolved around the concert. Her outfit had to be perfect, her hair had to be perfect, and so did her makeup, which I knew nothing about, so she invited Addie to do it.

And even though I whined and protested, Addie did me, too. Something I was not happy about, if you can't tell.

I sat on my bed, texting Jake the news. He knew about Lisa winning the contest, and he knew that I was going. Which, he found pretty exciting. The part about me coming.

From: Jake

This is actually pretty cool. You're going and I have some pretty good news.

Oh, really?

I raised my eyebrow.

To: Jake

And what's that?

From: Jake

Let's just say, hypothetically, of course, I'm going, too.

I grinned.

To: Jake

NO WAY?! SERIOUSLY?! YOU'RE going?! How'd you even get tickets?! How are you even here?!

From: Jake


That's a lot of questions. And, to sum it all up, I came to see you. And let's just say I have my connections...

To: Jake

Wait, so you're seriously going to the concert? You're not screwing with me?

I stood up, a blush coating my cheeks. So, if Jake was going, did that mean we'd see each other in person? For the first time?

From: Jake

Why would I joke about something like that? More importantly, why would I joke about wanting to see you?

He was serious. OH MY GOD. This was actually happening. What do I do? What do I wear? I mean, what I have on is good enough, but what do I need to do to look perfect. Should Addie touch up my makeup some more? Should I-

"Whoa, that's a lot of moving around for a concert. And I thought Lisa was the one who was nervous. Looks like I stand corrected."

I clenched my left arm with my right. "Shut up, Andy. Don't you have somewhere to be?"

He laughed. "No, not really. Considering you invited me here in the first place."

Oh, right.

He walked into my room, uninvited, then stood by me. He unlocked my grip and grabbed my hands in his.

He tucked a stray lock of hair behind my ear.

"Look, Hal, whatever you're nervous about, it's gonna be okay, alright? I'm here for you and I'll always help you through whatever you need."

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