{Chapter 17}

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Two days later:

I wasn't really sure if Jake had magic reading powers like he said he did, or if by some miracle, something happened whenever he texted those words and it came true, but something amazing happened.

Due to my determination and dedication to reading this book, no stopping breaks, not even to text Jake, unless those breaks involved going to the bathroom, eating, and/or bathing, I was able to finish reading Shatter Me in two days.

And for a non-reader (*A/N: SHATTER ME IS THE BEST BOOK EVER, SO YOU BETTER READ IT ^-^), finishing a book that fast WAS a miracle, but for a book that good, it was possible to do so.

I grabbed my phone and went to my browser, typing in Shatter Me, hoping to find out more information about the book and the author behind it.

What?! There was a sequel?! Wait, not even a sequel, there was MORE than just that one book?!

Oh, no. Uh-uh. No way was I waiting to read it. I needed those books and I needed them NOW.

And like the day Lisa decided to steal my lifeline- I mean, my phone- I felt myself go into predator mode. Whenever I was determined, with my personality, there was no point in trying to stop me because well, if you did, ha, it wasn't pretty.

I grabbed a paper off of Addie's desk- pretty sure she wouldn't mind, right?- and a pen as well, writing down the titles of the second and third book before putting the pen back where it was. I folded the paper into a tiny square and shoved it in my front pocket.

I walked throughout the house until I found Andy.

He was lying in his bed, shirtless, empty soda cans scattered endlessly throughout the space, half eaten opened chip bags going to waste alongside them, along with a few video games falling off of the neat stack he had in the corner.

He had a video game controller in his hand, pressing the keys aimlessly while he nodded in recognition without even looking at my face.

"What's up, Hal?" He coughed, then let out a huge burp, and I cringed my nose in disgust.

"I need you to give me a ride."

He laughed. "No can do, sweetie. I offered you a ride two days ago, if you wanted to go somewhere you should've asked me then. There's no use going anywhere now. Plus, I'm kinda busy if you can't tell."

I narrowed my eyes at him. Was he serious?

"Can't you finish it whenever we get back?" I was growing impatient.

He shrugged, pausing the game long enough to give me a smile. "Sorry. I can't."

The words stung, each blow hitting me in my face and I soon realized they were my own that I had used on him only a few days before.

I walked to the side of the bed, and grabbed the controller from him, hiding it from his reach. "Andy, listen to me, okay? I'm sorry I bailed on you, okay? I'm sorry. I'm sorry I've been such a jerk to you lately. I really do apologize. Now, can you please forgive me?"

He sighed, before finally looking me in the eyes. "I forgive you. Give me twenty minutes to shower, then I'll take you wherever you want to go."

I grinned and squealed and he rolled his eyes, heading to the shower.


I sat at the kitchen table, tapping my foot impatiently. How long did it take a guy to shower? Like, seriously.

Eventually, my prayer to the heavens was answered and Andy came into the kitchen, freshly cleaned and clothed, thank the Lord.

I grabbed the keys from off of the table and stood up, going to the door.

Andy beat me to it, though.
He grinned and opened the front door, allowing me to go first.

"After you, milady."

I went in front of him and curtsied dramatically. "Thank you, kind sir."

He shook his head, laughing and we walked to his car.

"So where are you wanting me to bring you again?"

I smiled. "Glad you asked. The library." I waved my book in front of his face.

He scoffed. "The library? What brings you there?"

I shrugged. "Does it really matter?"

"It does whenever all you want me to do is be your personal chauffeur so you can text Jake."

I rolled my eyes and tossed him the keys. "Just drive."


Andy did as I asked and drove me to the library, but decided to wait in the car because to him books were stupid and a nusicanse.

So there I was, at the shelf where Unravel Me, the second book to Shatter Me resided.

It was at the top of all of the other books, and I was determined to get it.

There was a ladder resting by the bookcase and I climbed up the steps, all the way to the top.

I stood on my tiptoes, grunting.

Got it.

Almost there.

Almost there.


"Hi, do you need some help?"

I screamed and couldn't find my touch on the books, every single one falling on top of me, and lost my balance, falling off of the ladder.

I completely expected myself to fall to my death, and I was scared for my life as I fell downward.

Then, a pair of arms caught me.

I caught my breath and turned to face the person.

It was a boy with light blonde hair and hazel eyes, and he was staring at me with a smile on his face. Oh, wait, he had braces, too.

"Hi," I mumbled.

"Hey. Are you okay?"

I laughed. "Well, I was falling. Then I wasn't. So, yeah, I'd say I'm good."

He smiled again. "Glad I caught you."

I smiled and he set me back on my feet. I grabbed Unravel Me from the pile on the ground, and walked to the checkout desk.

The guy who caught me stood opposite me, and I took a full look at him.

He was tall, almost as tall as Andy, though not quite, and he wore a grey beanie that looked very good on him.

His nametag read JACKSON, but his shirt is what got my attention.

It was solid red and in big white letters it read: KEEP CALM & HATE RYDER EARRINGS.

I pointed at his shirt. "Nice to know there's another member to our fan club. My friend Andy and I hate Ryder just as much as you do, obviously."

He grins. "It's easy to hate him. His music is annoying and so is he." He gestured to the book I just set down. "Is that all you want?"

I nodded. "Hey- I've never seen you around before. Are you new?"

He smiled slightly. "Something like that. I'm enrolling at South High soon, actually next week."

"No way! I go there. So does Andy. Whenever you go, you should find me. I'll definitely give you a tour around town and school and stuff, for sure."

He smiled. "I'd like that." He handed me the book and smiled. "Well, there you go, is there anything else I can do for you?"

I shook my head.

"Wait, I don't think I caught your name."

I opened my mouth to answer him but was interrupted by Andy.

"Hey, ready to go?"

I turned to him, noticing he was standing right behind me.

"Yeah, sure."

I waved bye to Jackson, but right before we left I didn't miss the threatening glance that Andy shot his way.

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