{Chapter 26}

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Ryder coughed, groaning.

He turned to Andy, wiping his face with his hand in disgust. "Really, dude? Out of anywhere you could've spit-taked, you decided to do it on my face. What an honor." He stood up, grabbing his lunch plate with him. "I think I'll go eat somewhere else.."

As soon as those words were uttered from Ryder's mouth, dozens of girls from EVERY single table in that lunchroom stood up, some going to extreme lengths just to show their dedication to Ryder. One girl even shoved her boyfriend off of the seat just so Ryder could sit if he wanted to.

He didn't, though. Instead he turned his attention to Addie, smiling. "Would YOU like to accompany me to get some napkins and maybe find another place to eat far, far away from your brother's mouth?"

Addie was speechless, mouth open like a fish out of water, which in a way, she was. I mean, here was this famous guy at OUR school, in the middle of nowhere, and he was asking HER to hang with him.

I mean, I wouldn't, but I had my own reasons. But... if Addie and Ryder wanted to get close, that's perfectly fine with me.

She turned to me, and I knew her eyes were screaming, WHAT DO I DO?!

I made a nodding motion with my head and she swallowed before turning back at Ryder. "Of..of course."

She stood up and grabbed her lunch plate while Ryder took her arm. "Why don't you show me the best hang out spot away from everyone else. I think that'll be nice, huh. Don't you agr-"

That was all I caught from them because they disappeared out of sight, and I looked back at my current situation.

How was I going to explain this?

Andy smiled and laced his hands behind his head. "How are you going to explain this, Hal? I'd sure like to know. Please, please tell me how Blondie here is your beloved Jake." He spat the last word out with venom, something that did not go unnoticed by Jake.

Jake squeezed my hand and we sat down at the table together, both across from my best friend.

"First off," Jake snarled. "I do not appreciate the nickname 'Blondie', considering I'm a guy. Secondly, you're kind of a hypocrite since you are a blonde yourself."

Andy's eyes shined. "You're right, I am blonde. I guess we do have that in common."

I breathed a sigh of relief. Thank God, things were going to go okay. No one was going to get hurt, no degrading names were going to be called. Wow, Andy was taking this better than I expected.

But then, as always, Andy had to open up his fat mouth.

"There's just one difference between you and me, pal. We may both be blonde, but there's one thing anyone can agree on-I'm the hotter one."

Jake opened his mouth to say something, but I gripped his arm tightly, and he sighed, standing up. "This isn't worth it, you know."

I stood up after him, shocked. "What? Jake, what are you talking about? You promised we'd talk to Andy and tell him everything, since it was only fair."

Jake stopped walking and turned to me, mouth tight. "I promised you this, Hallie, because I care about you, but I personally feel that I shouldn't be insulted just to get this done."

I sighed in frustration. "I understand that, Jake, but you made a promise, and it's wrong to just break that when you clearly said you'd do it."

Jake ran a hand over his face."I know, Hallie, but-"

Andy tsked. "Man, didn't your Mom ever tell you that all a man has is his word? Dude, you've just met the girl and you've already broken one promise," He shook his head. "SO NOT boyfriend material."

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