{Chapter 20}

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I stood beside Andy as we peered down at Lisa, who was currently still lying on the living room floor.

"Is-is she dead?" Andy's voice cut through the silence.

I kicked her with my foot, rolling her over. As soon as she landed on her back, she heaved a big breath, her arm flying over her head.

I sighed and turned to look at him. "Sadly, no."

Andy gestured to Lisa. "Well, at least now you can't be charged for murder. She's alive and well."

I scoffed. "What do you take me for? A murderer?"

He chuckled. "Well, what am I supposed to think? You text me saying, and I quote, 'We need to talk', then I show up, and what's the first thing I see? You, hovering over an unconscious Lisa. I was seriously expecting to see a news report on Fox. Oh, man, I can see the headlines now: 'Angry girl who is obsessed over a guy she doesn't even know kills younger sister and expects Andy to hide the body'. Ha, well, too bad, friend," He patted my shoulder, "your plan backfired."

I rolled my eyes. Were guys always this dramatic? Because I always thought it was a girl thing, but maybe I was wrong.

"What plan, Andy? I didn't have a plan."

Andy smiled. "That's what all murderers say whenever they don't want to get caught."

I laughed. "Don't get ahead of yourself, detective. Do you even know the whole story?"

He mimicked my expression. "No, but I plan to find out."

I rolled my eyes at him, then gestured to Lisa. "Just take her in the bathroom and get her awake somehow, okay? I'll explain everything to you later."

He grabbed Lisa and turned to look at me before going to the bathroom. "Don't even think about leaving, Hal. I'll tell the police your whereabouts."

He exited the room and I turned to look at Mary. "So Lisa won the contest?"

Mary crossed her arms over her chest. "I said that, like, five minutes ago. Are you stupid?"

I scoffed. "I was asking a legitimate question, okay? How am I to know she won the contest if I've been in my room for the past hour?" Thinking over SOME VERY important stuff, might I not so discreetly add.

Mary raised her eyebrows. "You seriously think Lisa would lie about winning a contest?"

"I wouldn't put it past her."

Mary shook her head. "I don't see how Lisa can put up with you. You're such an annoyance sometimes, like seriously. I feel so sorry for your mom."

And I feel so sorry for your birth certificate. The condom factory sent its apologies.

"Whatever, just go do something, okay? I gotta check the show just to be sure she wasn't lying."

Mary rolled her eyes and walked somewhere, and to be utterly honest, I didn't care.

I pressed the rewind button on my remote, and pressed play right whenever I saw Ryder standing next to a bowl. God, was this some sort of modern Hunger Games? Because that's what it reminded me of.

"Thank you to everyone who's watching live, and also at home. I've been waiting for this moment for a while now, and with each passing second, the closer I get to revealing the winner of this contest, and even better, the closer I get to finding the girl of my dreams."

Was this guy serious? Was he seriously using this contest as a way to get girls?

I laughed. This was priceless. Just how desperate did you have to be to do something like this?

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