{Chapter 24}

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I stared at the door, unmoving. I had no words. I was speechless.

I couldn't believe it. Andy left. Just like that. But why? What made him so angry that he felt no other option but to leave? And why was he so angry at Ryder anyways? What did he do that made Andy hate him so much?

When the thought of Ryder hit me, I instantly went back to my surroundings.

Ryder was on the floor next to me, holding his nose with his hand to stop any more blood flow.

"Shit," I mumbled before standing up, grabbing his arm with me.

He grunted in response and allowed me to lead him to the chair.

I walked over to the sink, grabbing a towel from the drawer before letting it soak the water from the running faucet. I turned to Ryder. "Are you okay?"

I wrung the towel out to make sure the moisture didn't leak all over the floor before walking to him.

He chuckled. "Okay? I don't know. My nose is gushing blood like a faucet thanks to your boyfriend, so I don't know. Am I okay?"

I wiped my hands on my pants, palms shaking. Andy wasn't my boyfriend. Jake was. But.. Andy was something to me. Definitely wasn't my friend, or like a brother or a boyfriend. So..what was he? A mixture of all three? My mind was jumbled enough already. I couldn't think straight after witnessing the murder that almost took place in my house. I took deep breaths and Ryder grinned, laughing.

"You okay there, Hallie? You look a little shaken up."

I was so angry at him. How in the hell could he find humor in this? "Andy almost beat you to a pulp, dude. You were left bleeding on my floor a few seconds ago, in case you forgot that. Which, that is exactly why I'm standing over you with a towel to clean your wound."

Ryder grinned. "Pardon my idiocy, Hallie. And you are? God, I didn't know you had a heart in that body of yours."

I scowled at him. Part of me wanted to tell him to go get a highway ticker to hell, but decided I wouldn't give him the satisfaction. So instead I just swallowed whatever smartass comment I wanted to say and continued dabbing at his nose.

"Nothing left to say? I figured you'd at least ask why you're boyfriend hated me so much. I think that's something we need to discuss."

I exhaled through my nose. This dude was starting to piss me off with his extra comments that I didn't even ask for. "He's not my boyfriend," I said through gritted teeth, dabbing at his nose one final time.

Ryder tsked. "Denial. That's not a good thing. I don't think he'd appreciate hearing that you don't consider you and him to be official. Talk about harsh. No wonder why he decided to kick my ass with a girl as gorgeous as you for a girlfrien-"

"SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP, RYDER! CAN'T YOU SEE I DON'T WANT TO TALK ABOUT THIS?! I DON'T CARE IF YOU'RE FAMOUS, I DON'T CARE HOW MANY CARS YOU HAVE, OR HOW MANY GIRLS YOU'VE KISSED OR ANYTHING LIKE THAT. YOU WILL NOT GET INVOLVED IN MY PERSONAL LIFE AT ALL, OKAY?! IT'S NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS. JUST BECAUSE MY SISTER LOVES YOU AND THINKS YOU'RE GOD DOESN'T MEAN YOU ARE!" In the midst of my outburst, the towel flew from my hand and landed in the living room, sending more blood splatter into the room. I sighed and sat down on the floor, putting my head in my hands, sobbing.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and I looked up. Ryder was crouched beside me, a soft smile on his face. He swallowed. "I'm sorry, Hallie. I was just joking. I wasn't trying to mess with you or anything. I mean, I was but I wasn't. Does that make any sense?"

I chuckled and nodded then wiped at the tear that fell down my face, the action allowing blood to seep from my hands into my hair. "Ugh," I groaned. "That's disgusting."

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