{Chapter 1}

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I sat at the empty table in the Lucky Duckling, fingers drumming against the table as I stared at the empty seat across from me.
"So you promise you'll show up this time?"
"I promise."

Yeah, right. Here I am, yet you aren't here. So much for honesty.

A tap-tapping noise was enough to make me jump.

"Are you ready to order?" The Chinese woman asked with a smile.

"Sure.." I replied. No point in waiting, since you aren't going to show up. Like usual.


After slurping down the final noodle of my meal, I dropped the fork down with a clang, just enough time to notice that the Chinese Lady dropped the bill down on the table, along with a fortune cookie.

I wiped my mouth with the napkin and pulled out my wallet. After setting two 10 dollar bills down on the table, along with a 5 dollar tip, I opened the fortune cookie.

I took one half and bit into it using my left hand, and shook the other half with my right.

After the familiar little slip of paper fell onto the side of my now dirty plate, I dropped both pieces onto the spare napkin.

I unrolled the paper gently, careful not to tear it, and read the scroll with curious eyes.

Are you kidding me? That's what it said? "Do something random?!" I yelled. "What the fudge does that mean?"

I looked up to see a family of three sitting in the booth next to me, eyeing me with a look of both horror and curiousity. I honestly expected the woman to shield her baby, since I probably looked psycho.

I rolled my eyes instead, and stalked out the door, the little bell hanging above the door ringing behind me.


"So you hate the C.D.?" My best friend Andy asked as he laid next to me, trying to shoot me with his ammo, which I might add, he tried to. His brows were knit in concentration and I doubt he was even listening to any word I just said.

"Are you even listening?"

"Yeah. Yeah. Sure. Sure."

"Okay, then what was I saying?"

"Um.. how Lisa took your Ryder Earrings C.D."

I whacked the controller out of his hand and his head turned to glare at me. "Are you serious? What was that for?"

I rolled my eyes. "Don't be such a baby. You were dying anyway.."

He scoffed, eyebrows raised. " I was not! My hands are just sore today, that's all." He excused.

I snorted, a smile forming on my face. "Yeah, okay..."

Andy Heaven has been my best friend since 5th grade, right around the time my mom became a world-known lawyer. It was a good thing he showed up when he did, because otherwise my sister Lisa and I would've been lost without him.

"So what was so important that you had to abuse this beautiful remote?"

" I was telling you about how my mom no showed. Again. And," I grabbed the pillow from under my head and whacked him with it. "You're an idiot!"

He rubbed the side of his face with a groan. "And, how, may I ask, am I an idiot?"

"Because we weren't even talking about Ryder Earrings and my sister's stupid c.d."

"Ryder Earrings is not stupid! He is the best thing that has ever happened to this universe!" Lisa stomped down the stairs, her face full of anger. Lisa, unlike me, had blonde hair and brown eyes, while I, Hallie Tucker, had black hair and greenish-grey eyes. Andy, on the other hand, had a Ryder Earrings hairdo, with blonde hair and brown eyes, the perfect boy package. Or so I heard.

"Yeah, he's the best thing that happened to earplugs." Andy retorted.

I laughed along with Andy and Lisa shot us both a look of venom before storming up to her room, and slamming the door.

"Meow," Andy said, hissing and make clawing movements with his hands.

I elbowed him and he bit his lip to hide the pain and I grinned. "Oh yeah, that's not all that happened."

I pulled out the slip of paper from the fortune cookie and handed it to him and watched as he read it. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"I dunno. 'Do something random'. What should I do?"

Suddenly my phone beeped with a texting alert and I grinned. "I got it."

Andy stared at the top of my forehead almost as if he expected a glowing lightbulb to hover over it.

I snapped in front of his face multiple times and he blinked out of his trance. "What is it?"

"Random texting.."


After making an account on TEXT-ME and setting up a username, "Kitty_Cupcake16", I pressed the TEXT ME button repeatedly, which allowed a random convo with a random person to take place. I waited and waited until finally, I gave up.

Andy had left a few hours ago, right after we ordered pizza, and I missed him.

I tapped my finger on my phone, aggravated. How long does it take for a random person to text you? I laughed at my own unanswered question. I sounded like the guy from the "How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop" commercial.

I stood up from the kitchen chair, and growled as the icky pop music by Ryder Earrings came drifting down the stairs and into my ears. Stupid Ryder. Stupid Lisa. I hopped up the stairs and covered my ears, grabbing my p.j.'s and hitting the shower.

After I had fully showered, and blow dryed my hair, and was fully clothed, I hopped down the stairs, went to the kitchen, and poured myself some milk. As I took a big gulp, my phone chirped.

I set the glass down gently, and unlocked my phone. My eyes widened as I read the notification.


Katlyn :)

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