Chapter Eight

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Scene 1, Take 2

Chapter Eight

Bella's POV

I was trying very hard to keep my cool. The short run to their house helped a bit. Stupid idiotic masochistic monster! I internally yelled at myself. I tried, very hard, not to show them just how broken I was. But I messed up.

It just made me furious, that little statement. Something inside me didn't allow myself to believe that he was telling the truth, that he had left me for me, but the words themselves were just too much. Because that would mean that all of this, everything that had happened to me since they left, was because of his rotten judgement. Because he thought he knew what was best for me.

And I snapped. Some  part of me regretted it, told myself that it was idiotic of me to show them how much power they had over me. But a different part of me was glad that after all these years, I had spoken my feelings aloud. It felt...liberating almost.

Running came as a second nature to me, and I could escape into my own mind, while still following them to their house. However, I hadn't noticed just how far into my confused self I had gone, and was snapped back to the front of my mind by Esme inviting me into their house.

Promising myself that I won't break again, I stepped over the threshold and scanned the room. It looked much like the house I had once considered my future home. Very bright, with light colors. My eyes froze on the far corner of the room. There, still spotless and shiny, stood Edward's grand piano. I'm not sure why, but something told me he hadn't played it in a very long time.

Edward sighed once he saw where my gaze landed. By the sound of him, I was taken 15 years back, to the day where I first visited the Cullen residence. The lullaby Edward played for me then was one of the most prominent memories I had of him, also one of the most painful. Be strong Bella. I commanded myself.

I willed my expression to become as hard and stone-like as my skin. Never changing. Blank. Tearing my eyes away from the piano, I turned back toward where they were all now standing, biting there lips watching me intently.

Suddenly, an odd taste met my shield. It was medicine-like, and quite bitter. I noticed that Jasper was the one trying to penetrate my shield. Since I didn't know what else to say, I figured why not start the whole gift conversation now?
"Jasper, can you please stop doing that? It won't work, and it tastes awful." To not hurt his feelings, I grinned a slight grin at him, and he looked shocked and relieved at the same time. Immediately, the awful taste left my tongue, and I thanked him.

"Bella, may I ask exactly how does your gift work?" Carlisle inquired. I nodded and motioned for them to sit down- this was going to be a long story. They all quickly sat down and I nearly laughed at how eager they were, but at the same time nearly cried at how much they made sure not to upset me.

I explained to them how when I first arrived at Volterra, Aro was fascinated as to why he couldn't read my mind.  How he made every gifted member of the guard try their gift on me, and was surprised every time. I told them how he seemed the most impressed by the ineffectiveness of Jane's and Alec's gifts on me.

"Once he tried everything, he insisted that I stayed with them, and in return he'd help me master my shield. He kept mentioning some Eleazar..."
The Cullens shared a quick exchange, and of course I didn't miss that. "Do you know who that is?" I asked, looking at Carlisle.

"Yes" he simply answered. "He is a part of a coven that we consider extended family."

I nodded, not very eager to know more. I knew that with every word that slid between my teeth I was getting in deeper and deeper, and soon enough I would drown. Like always, the pain was the main thing holding me back. Dare I say, that slowly, it was becoming the only thing holding me back.

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